Your Perfect Offering: The Deva of Truth

Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in everything That's how the light gets in. --Leonard Cohen The Deva of Truth invites us to sing with it today. Truth is the what-is-ness of things -- the note that only you can sing, the...

Beyond the Garden Gate: The Deva of Willingness

This morning, I've been playing with the Deva of Willingness. It is spacious, friendly, reassuring, grounded. It fills me with a feeling of deep safety, and trust. In the Devas presence, my body relaxes. My shoulders drop, belly expands with each in-breath. My eyes...

A Froth of Forms: The Deva of Abundance

The Deva of Abundance invites us to play with it this week. Abundance is a quality of the Soul of the Earth, which expresses the Sacred in a multitude of forms. It is also a quality of your own soul, so it lives within you. As you explore your relationship with the...

Gratitude and Grace

The creative powers of Gratitude and Grace are the open doorway of your soul in action. Your soul creates through receptivity and relationship - with the Devas, with the natural world, with the Earth, with everything and everyone in the ecology of your life. Send your...

Soul Food: the Deva of Sustenance

Sitting with the Deva of Sustenance on this misty Sunday morning. What sustains you? What holds you up day in and day out? What puts ground under your feet? Here's what sustains me today: Physically: Breath. Miraculous inner workings of my body -- blood, organs,...

When you come to the end of the path

When you come to the end of the path it isn't obvious. There are openings under the trees where small streams have carved what looks like a way forward. The forest floor is golden with fallen fir needles and at first you think Ah yes! Here's a trail or at least a deer...

Last night the full moon shone a slanting light

Last night the full moon shone a slanting light

Last night the full moon shone a slanting light across my winter garden where two deer lay sleeping under the leafless apple tree whose arthritic arms beamed wands of light through the twitching caverns of their dreams while I, too restless to dream climbed the...