Powerful mentoring to distill your wisdom, refine your leadership, create an energetically coherent business ecology, and be an agent of the Sacred in your world

As a business mentor, I work with mature, creative, socially and environmentally conscious founders and leaders, to shape your business in alignment with your truest values, and in partnership with the soul of your business.

My clients share a profound desire to place their genius in service to the Sacred through their business, and a bone-deep commitment to contribute to a world that works for all life.

Business is one of the most powerful forces shaping our world today. A business whose hallmarks are integrity, coherency, sovereignty, joyful prosperity, ethical wealth creation & distribution, and soul alignment, places its power in service to wholeness. It fulfills its most radiant potentials organically when its founder and leadership team are deeply committed to their own evolution.

Hiro Boga

As the leader of such a business, you are devoted to:

  • Knowing yourself intimately, and partnering with your soul to become fully yourself, sovereign, creative, powerful, & free.
  • Developing a life-long partnership with the soul of your business, to bring its pattern into form in the world of your business.
  • Nurturing and protecting your genius and your innate gifts, so you can serve the people and causes you love, wholeheartedly. And doing the same for everyone involved in the world of your business — your team, partners, clients and community.
  • Crafting & offering your unique body of work as the foundation for your service, creative expression, prosperity, and contribution to our world.

Through our work together, you learn to speak the language of your soul and translate your deepest desires into the physical structures through which your business becomes a generative, joyful force for truth, justice, peace and prosperity.

Many of my clients are world-renowned experts in their field — bestselling authors and speakers who serve a global audience. Others are highly successful within their niche communities. Some hold advanced degrees from leading universities while others have earned their wisdom through business and personal experience.

All of my clients share one thing in common: they want to shape a more loving, just and harmonious world that nurtures all life; to transform lives and communities; to serve generously — and to create wealth and prosperity in the process. They are sovereign, self-led individuals who are ready for true creative partnership with a mentor who has an intimate and direct understanding of the gifts and challenges of soul-led, generative, visionary leadership.

Hiro Boga and Eleanor Benton

Enjoy a rich conversation between Hiro and Eleanor Beaton, founder of SafiMedia, about what impels her mission to work for women’s empowerment and economic freedom through entrepreneurial wealth; why she chose to be mentored by Hiro to grow herself and her business to new, soul-led capacities; and how this partnership has transformed her life and her leadership in profound ways, both practical and miraculous.

Then, continue reading about private mentoring, and apply if it feels like the right next step for you.

You are the leader of an established business or community. You want a creative partner who has the skill & experience to walk the horizon line with you, and help you build what lies beyond it.

  • You’ve achieved many of your goals — and you’re yearning for more. You sense that there are horizons beyond the ones you’ve arrived at so successfully, and you want the kind of guidance and support that will bring them into clear view.
  • You want, too, support and guidance for your own evolution, for the next stage of your own becoming.
  • You have a thoughtfully articulated mission, and a deeply practical understanding of what it takes to grow a lasting, successful, sustainable business.
  • You want a creative partnership that will inspire you to bring your vision for your own life, your body of work, and your business to fruition.

The moment you register for this partnership, you and your business are held in a field of heightened energetic activation. Miracles unfold and serendipity transforms your world.

Many of my clients experience massive shifts even before we meet for our first session. The inexplicable becomes the ground of your everyday being as we work together to align your inner world with your soul’s vision.

When you blend together this potent mix of sacred partnership with the soul of your business, clear strategy and skillful action, your life and business become beacons of prosperity, integrity and service.

Cynthia Occelli photo

“Not only is Hiro my business whisperer, she’s also my soul whisperer. Through our mentoring work together, I have accessed a level of strength, confidence, and leadership that, up until this point in my entrepreneurial journey, had remained elusive.

Our conversations are part healing sessions, part strategy sessions, and total soul sessions. Through my work with Hiro, I have an integrated strength and clear understanding of how all the parts of my business and my life work together.

This is where strategy meets soul, doing meets being, and action meets surrender. This is the most peace and trust I have felt in all the years since I started my business.

Grounding. Refreshing. Real. Sustainable. Magical. Practical. Wise. Truth with a capital T. The shifts within me are seismic, yet they’ve occurred so gradually and effortlessly. I’ve never felt more held or supported in my business and creative process.

Hiro is one of the most profound and important mentors in my life. She doesn’t just tell me what to do or how to do it, she teaches me how to listen to my own guidance and partner with the Devas and my own soul. Hiro is a co-creative, collaborative partner in the truest sense of the word.

Working with her is the best investment I’ve ever made in myself and my business. My revenues tripled and my business is set for even more organic, effortless growth this year.”

Julie Santiago, Coach, former Wall Street trader, Creator of the Gratitude Circle,

Julie Santiago

“Not only is Hiro my business whisperer, she’s also my soul whisperer. Through our mentoring work together, I have accessed a level of strength, confidence, and leadership that, up until this point in my entrepreneurial journey, had remained elusive.

Our conversations are part healing sessions, part strategy sessions, and total soul sessions. Through my work with Hiro, I have an integrated strength and clear understanding of how all the parts of my business and my life work together.

This is where strategy meets soul, doing meets being, and action meets surrender. This is the most peace and trust I have felt in all the years since I started my business.

Grounding. Refreshing. Real. Sustainable. Magical. Practical. Wise. Truth with a capital T. The shifts within me are seismic, yet they’ve occurred so gradually and effortlessly. I’ve never felt more held or supported in my business and creative process.

Hiro is one of the most profound and important mentors in my life. She doesn’t just tell me what to do or how to do it, she teaches me how to listen to my own guidance and partner with the Devas and my own soul. Hiro is a co-creative, collaborative partner in the truest sense of the word.

Working with her is the best investment I’ve ever made in myself and my business. My revenues tripled and my business is set for even more organic, effortless growth this year.”

Julie Santiago, Coach, former Wall Street trader, Creator of the Gratitude Circle,

 By application. To apply for Private Mentoring, please click the link below.


1 x 60-minute live call per month x 3 months: US$ 4,500
2 x 60-minute live calls per month x 3 months: US$ 9,000

Canadian clients add 5% GST.

Please take a look at my Client Policies before applying. If you have questions, please email [email protected]

How It Works


Powerful mentoring for personal and business evolution.
Three or six mentoring sessions over three months, with written support between sessions. If you have a project that requires a longer, more immersive engagement, let me know and we’ll talk about what will best serve you.

We can review the landscape of your business and create a coherent, purposeful strategic plan for the year ahead. Then, we’ll do the inner and outer work of alignment and integration to bring your radiant vision to life.

Perhaps you’re still feeling the heavy weight of your business on your shoulders, despite having an excellent team and systems in place. Maybe you’re frustrated by the way the day-to-day operations of your business keep you mired in minutiae and unable to realize your vision.

Or, you’ve arrived at a significant new threshold in your business, and need skilled support to make the changes this demands of you and your team. You may be challenged to craft more nuanced boundaries, or need to reconfigure your team so it functions more closely, cohesively and effectively.

Perhaps you have a creative project in the works — a book, a new program — and would love to have a skilled partner to help shape the structure, content, delivery and strategic positioning of your offer. (I’ve published five books, edited dozens more in every genre, and created and delivered a multitude of highly successful transformational programs over four decades in business).

Over the course of three months, we’ll work intimately together, co-creating a refined vision of your business in partnership with its soul and yours. I’ll share with you the practices that have served my clients for over 40 years to help you and your core team work seamlessly together, align your company’s culture with your deepest values, trust your wisdom, discernment, and creative heart, and accomplish results that go far beyond what you can imagine – even in a single hour together.

Before your first session, you’ll receive an extensive questionnaire. Your responses will help me understand the landscape of your business or project, what you want to achieve through our work together, the main challenges you face, and the primary opportunities on your horizon. It will also give me an opportunity to review your website, social media channels, and other materials in preparation for our session.

Sessions are one hour in length, and are scheduled between 10 am and 1 pm Pacific Time, Tuesday through Thursday.

When you register for an immersion, you will have my full support for the entire three months, with your own private portal in our online communications system, where you can post your insights, discoveries, questions, drafts of materials you are working on, and anything else you wish to share with me.

I am your creative partner for the duration of our time together.

My availability for private mentoring is limited, so please apply in advance of when you wish to begin.


By application. To apply for Private Mentoring, please click the link below.


1 x 60-minute live call per month x 3 months: US$ 4,500.

2 x 60-minute live calls per month x 3 months: US$ 9,000

Canadian clients add 5% GST.

Please take a look at my Client Policies before applying. If you have questions, please email [email protected]



Cynthia Occelli |

My guiding philosophy is simple:

Business is an ecology. Business development is rooted in personal and spiritual development.

In order to write a bestselling book, you must grow your emotional capacity to tolerate risk and uncertainty; become skilled at navigating the competing necessities of creative flow and organic structure; expand into realms in which your creative spirit is at home and in which you may be profoundly uncomfortable; receive criticism with discernment and equanimity; and meet, with power and grace, the challenges of public scrutiny in an age of unfiltered digital feedback.

You must develop an unshakeable partnership with the soul of your book; listen closely as it reveals itself and its purposes to you; and remain devoted to it through the long process of bringing it to life. Writing your book calls you to understand, deeply, its role in your life and the ecology of your business, and to do the work of crafting, polishing and birthing it, and serving its unfolding life once it enters the world.

In order to double or triple your revenue, you must step into a new story — become the You whose ecology includes soul-aligned wealth and prosperity; the You who understands wealth in the context of your values, and works skillfully with the Deva of Prosperity to share its blessings through the world of your business. You must also take a clear-eyed look at what is and is not working for you, in your business, and be willing to dismantle and construct anew that which is calling for renewal and evolution.

In order to have a business that’s aligned with your deepest values, you have to know what those values are, and practice acting on behalf of them every day. You must be willing to make tough and tender choices, stand for what you believe in, and lead your community to a deeper calling of service to wholeness.

To grow a tree, you must nourish its roots. To grow your business, you must nourish and grow yourself. You must create the world of your business from a place of wholeness, integrity, vision and inner power.

With my skilled support, you’ll discover a newly tender, joyful relationship with yourself, develop a powerful repertoire of highly refined energy alchemy skills and multidimensional partnerships that will last a lifetime, and co-create each stage of your business so that it is a living expression of your own soul, and the soul of your business.

Cynthia Occelli photo

“I can without any reservation recommend that if you are seeking to grow in line with your truth, with your deepest sense about what is good and right and true for you, Hiro is your guide.

She will walk beside you. She will lead you. She will push you. She will pull you, and she will hold you. She will educate you and she will see over the hills in front of you when you can’t.”

Cynthia Occelli, Entrepreneur, Author and Speaker,

» more client reviews

Pam Slim photo

“The transformative work I have been doing, with infinitely clear and kind guidance from Hiro, has opened entirely new layers of integration and homecoming within me.

As a woman leader, it is invaluable to have Hiro by my side. She supports me by always holding the larger universal perspective, with profound clear-seeing and energy clearing, while being utterly practical and rooted in the real.”

Chameli Ardagh, Founder,

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Pam Slim photo

“Hiro helped me to speak directly to an aspect of my inner self that was basically throwing a tantrum — and with good reason. I’m crying as I write these words — the experience was that vivid.

As entrepreneurs, we craft our language carefully, strive to communicate with compassion, and place ourselves in our clients’ minds, to better serve their needs. We rarely approach our inner dialogues with that same level of care & intelligence. Hiro will masterfully help you to do just that. Prepare to evolve, in every sense of the word.”

Alexandra Franzen, Promotional Wordsmith,

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Pam Slim photo

“I have consulted with Hiro at a variety of transition stages in my business when I required a deep level of insight and guidance. Her deeply powerful sessions always left me both clear on the right business direction and super-charged with excitement and purpose.

Few people understand the human and spiritual side of business like Hiro does. She is a powerful mentor, and an ally of self-empowerment, sovereignty and the grace that lives within all of us.”

Pamela Slim, Best-selling Author,

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Pam Slim photo

“Working with Hiro is one of the most powerful transformational experiences I have enjoyed in a long life of such things. Her knowledge and wisdom is vast, her ability to help you shift extraordinary, and her heart shines so brightly. I find myself grinning just writing this — she’s that real and that good.”

Jennifer Louden, Best-selling Author & Teacher,

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Pam Slim photo

“Working with Hiro is an investment in yourself and your business. As I completed the process of applying for a mentorship with her, I found myself emerging into the clarity of what I needed to accomplish, and why it was important to me to achieve my objectives.

The return on my investment is not just monetary, though that’s absolutely occurring. I am breathing the rarified air of a business that resonates with me and my market, and that brings me joy.”

Jill Leigh, Teacher & Founder of the Energy Healing Institute,

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Cynthia Occelli photo

“I can without any reservation recommend that if you are seeking to grow in line with your truth, with your deepest sense about what is good and right and true for you, Hiro is your guide.

She will walk beside you. She will lead you. She will push you. She will pull you, and she will hold you. She will educate you and she will see over the hills in front of you when you can’t.”

Cynthia Occelli, Entrepreneur, Author and Speaker,

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Pam Slim photo

“The transformative work I have been doing, with infinitely clear and kind guidance from Hiro, has opened entirely new layers of integration and homecoming within me.

As a woman leader, it is invaluable to have Hiro by my side. She supports me by always holding the larger universal perspective, with profound clear-seeing and energy clearing, while being utterly practical and rooted in the real.”

Chameli Ardagh, Founder,

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Pam Slim photo

“Hiro helped me to speak directly to an aspect of my inner self that was basically throwing a tantrum — and with good reason. I’m crying as I write these words — the experience was that vivid.

As entrepreneurs, we craft our language carefully, strive to communicate with compassion, and place ourselves in our clients’ minds, to better serve their needs. We rarely approach our inner dialogues with that same level of care & intelligence. Hiro will masterfully help you to do just that. Prepare to evolve, in every sense of the word.”

Alexandra Franzen, Promotional Wordsmith,

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Pam Slim photo

“I have consulted with Hiro at a variety of transition stages in my business when I required a deep level of insight and guidance. Her deeply powerful sessions always left me both clear on the right business direction and super-charged with excitement and purpose.

Few people understand the human and spiritual side of business like Hiro does. She is a powerful mentor, and an ally of self-empowerment, sovereignty and the grace that lives within all of us.”

Pamela Slim, Best-selling Author,

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Pam Slim photo

“Working with Hiro is one of the most powerful transformational experiences I have enjoyed in a long life of such things. Her knowledge and wisdom is vast, her ability to help you shift extraordinary, and her heart shines so brightly. I find myself grinning just writing this — she’s that real and that good.”

Jennifer Louden, Best-selling Author & Teacher,

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Pam Slim photo

“Working with Hiro is an investment in yourself and your business. As I completed the process of applying for a mentorship with her, I found myself emerging into the clarity of what I needed to accomplish, and why it was important to me to achieve my objectives.

The return on my investment is not just monetary, though that’s absolutely occurring. I am breathing the rarified air of a business that resonates with me and my market, and that brings me joy.”

Jill Leigh, Teacher & Founder of the Energy Healing Institute,

» more client reviews

Client Policies

Timing, payments, cancellation policy and scheduling.

  • Mentoring is a sacred partnership, one that calls for deep commitment to the journey. Your purchase of a mentoring session or program is non-refundable. If you’re wondering whether this is the right program for you, please take some time to familiarize yourself with my work, and to consult with your own soul, before you make the investment.
  • All mentoring sessions take place over zoom audio.
  • I recommend calling in from somewhere quiet, private, and comfortable, and using a hands-free headset for the call.
  • Prepare for your session by being clear about what you want to work on, and what you would like to accomplish during our time together.
  • Take notes during your session. A lot happens in our hour together, and you will want to review key elements of the work we have done during that time. You’ll also want to make note of homework to be completed before our next session.
  • If you wish, a complimentary recording of our sessions will be provided for you. You’ll receive a link to the recording so you can re-listen to our conversation anytime you wish.
  • Appointments are available from 10 am to 1 pm Pacific Time, Tuesday through Thursday.
  • Please arrive for your session at the scheduled time. I will wait on the call for 10 minutes. If you haven’t called in by then, I will consider the session complete. It will not be rescheduled.
  • If you would like me to review any material before our next session, please post it several days in advance.  
  • If you must cancel an appointment, please let me know at least 96 hours (4 days) in advance. This time is being held for you — missed appointments and late cancellations will not be rescheduled or refunded.
  • Single sessions must be completed within one month of purchase. Three-session and six-session immersions must be completed within three months of purchase.

If you have questions about my private mentoring, please email [email protected]

Thank you so much for being here. I look forward to our work together.