“Hiro has given me the tools to clearly see, manage and deliberately shift my emotional patterns and energetic system. I was slowly losing power and even will. Hiro helped me stop allowing my business to rule and run me. She taught me how to step within and realign my soul with my operations, marketing, sales and purpose.”
Christine Kane, President & Founder, Uplevel You.
“When I came to Hiro I was at a crossroads in my business. I knew the next chapter would require a leap of faith, but I was afraid to jump. Just hearing Hiro’s melodious voice calmed my agitated soul. She guided me through a visualization where she introduced me to the Deva of my business.
Turns out my business had a lot to say to me. It was very clear about where it wanted to go and that it was time for the next chapter. It reminded me that there’s nothing to fear, because my success resides within me. My energy shifted in that moment, it was as if I’d arrived back in my body, and my power. I felt this sense of rightness and momentum. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how I was going to do it. I kid you not, as soon as the session was over, new opportunities came pouring in — I was literally being pulled into my next phase.
Then in two subsequent sessions, Hiro gave me sage, straight-up business advice.
If you’re looking for the perfect alchemy between practical and spiritual business advice, Hiro is simply the best.
— Bridgette Boudreau, Coach, Founder of The Wild Life
“My Soul & Strategy Session with Hiro was a singular experience. Attention, focus, compassion: she showered me with all of this. And her perception goes deep — like, soul level deep. She works not only in the realm of the strategic and logistical, but the mystical and intuitive.
She helped me clear old, garbage-y energy that’s been with me probably for centuries in all sorts of incarnations — and afterward I felt so much lighter, freer, more able to see clearly how I’d been holding myself back in crucial ways in my life and business.
She showed up with ideas that were unique. There was never a moment where I thought, “Yeah, yeah. . . I’ve heard this a million times,” or, “Yes, I’ve already thought of that.” Her perspective is fresh, inviting, easeful, logical, strategic, creative.
I also LOVED the playful reframe she gave me for one of my most pernicious beliefs about myself. It still makes me chuckle, or even laugh out loud at its absurdity, now that she helped me see it for what it is.
Peace, calm, confidence: these are the internal gifts I received from my session with Hiro. Ideas, strategies, wisdom: these are the external gifts I am using to craft the next steps in my business.
Specifically, she helped me refine my plans for my newly launched digital copywriting agency, so I could start with the nearer-term next steps instead of getting too lost in the overwhelming big-picture vision. She helped me better define my clientele, so I can focus only on those businesses I can best serve. And she came up with an ingenious idea for combining my coaching and writing skills to provide my ideal client with an unparalleled experience working with my agency.
I’m still implementing all that she suggested, and these are just some of the ideas that came out of our strategy session. We covered a LOT of ground in a relatively short amount of time; Hiro is masterful at making the time seem spacious and free-flowing, while offering tons of concrete, actionable ideas.
If you’re looking for business mentoring that will speak to the heart, the head, and everything else, look no further. Hiro offers the complete package.”
Helen Hunter Mackenzie, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketing Strategist, Copywriter
“Working with Hiro has been a truly transformational experience. As I venture into the new world of my own business and bring my business concept to tangible reality, Hiro gracefully guides me. During this journey, I have stepped into my own sovereignty by applying the practical tools and energy-centered techniques Hiro teaches to my business and throughout my life. Hiro helps me capture the essence of my business, and widen my horizons far beyond what I imagined could be possible. Hiro showed me the potential of my vision, and shared practical guidance on how it can evolve and be nurtured over time.
I feel truly privileged and grateful to count Hiro as a role model and inspiration.”
Renu Murik, NYC, Busy Professional and Creator of Bliss and Radiance
“I had the privilege to be guided and mentored by Hiro for six months this year. I needed to release old programming and culturally imposed fears so my business could grow. Although I knew that Hiro is a masterful teacher, I hesitated initially. Because I was relatively new in this industry, I wasn’t sure if I was “good enough” to work with someone like Hiro so intimately. I am so glad that I trusted my inner voice. As soon as I filled in my application form, where I acknowledged my deep fears, miracles happened in my life and the world of my business. Soon after I started working with Hiro, I had my first 5-figure month. Now my community base has more than doubled.
It was truly an adventure for both me and my business. It was also one of the most challenging times in my adult life, as I was changing and evolving at the atomic level. Fears, doubt and confusion all came up, but what I’m most grateful for is that Hiro has always held an impeccable standard for me. She was there to hold me accountable, she always had my back and encouraged me to be patient working through my “stuff” while not losing sight of the bigger picture. There are many qualities which I thought rekindled and strengthened from working with Hiro: Discernment, Power, Individuality, Sovereignty…just to name a few.
Hiro walks her talk by how she shapes her business and how she guides you when you are in her world. Hiro, thank you so much for being a continuous guide, inspiration and role model for me. What a gift you are to the world!”
Yiye Zhang, Financial Intuitive & Guide
“I have worked with Hiro for a few years now, and it shows.
In every minute of every day I find myself putting into practice techniques and concepts she’s given me. I’m able to do that because her work has helped me have a stronger relationship with myself.
Because of this work, I trust my instincts more. I sabotage myself less. I let myself have more fun.
I spend more time giggling over silliness and feeling appreciative, and less time feeling hurt and resentful.
Hiro has helped me to grow strong, compassionate, flexible healthy boundaries, and to believe this is something I get to have.
It is Hiro’s loving support and wise guidance that helped me create the Playground, and be the director it deserves.
Meeting Hiro is the best thing that has happened to me and my business.”
Havi Brooks, The Fluent Self
“In the age of Internet marketing hype, Hiro is a rare luminary, a sage, a way shower and a visionary. Her warm, strong, empowering presence helps you to remember who you are and that it’s your birthright and your joy to let your light shine. Hiro is now a key member of my business advisory circle/support network and I look forward to tapping into her wisdom for years to come!”
Renee Peterson Trudeau, Life balance coach, speaker and author
“I knew Hiro was powerful. I knew she was well-loved. I knew I was in for something…transformative. I did not expect, quite frankly, to have what can only be termed an out-of-body experience, and conclude our hour together drenched in sweat, sobbing, and shaking — in the most beautiful way imaginable.
Hiro helped me to speak directly to an aspect of my inner self that was basically throwing a tantrum — and with good reason. I’m crying as I write these words — the experience was that vivid.
As entrepreneurs, we craft our language carefully, strive to communicate with compassion, and place ourselves in our clients’ minds, to better serve their needs. We rarely approach our inner dialogues with that same level of care & intelligence. Hiro will masterfully help you to do just that. So, drink a lot of water and lie down somewhere soft. And prepare to evolve, in every sense of the word.”
Alexandra Franzen, Promotional Wordsmith
“I felt drained and overwhelmed by my business. I had lost my sense of connection to the creativity so central to my life. In my first session with Hiro I felt a powerful sense of re-connection to myself, and my energy and sense of direction started returning. I began to see how my business needed to shift. I also realized I wanted to reclaim my artist self and more fully integrate her into my business life. I have returned to painting to help me move forward, and I’ve noticed a renewed clarity about when I need to say yes, and when to say no.
Hiro also has a beautiful voice with a melodic quality that is delightful to listen to. Her guided meditations seep into the cellular level and warm my heart. It’s like being wrapped by a sacred witness and gently guided on my way.”
Christine Martell, VisualsSpeak
“I was having a difficult time creating a job and income. I wanted to know what was blocking me energetically from attracting money, but also what was limiting my motivation to support myself and my daughter. I was very resistant to doing what needed to be done to be successful.
As the weeks went by, I could feel myself shifting and opening up. By the time we were done, I had a job that fit my needs perfectly, and motivation to begin developing my private practice at the same time.”
Dylan Emrys, What Your Baby Knows
“I had two sessions with Hiro, and made a leap forward with my landing pages after each session.
I had been working on them for months. After countless revisions, I got absolutely stuck. After my first session with Hiro, I was able to sit for several hours and really get clear about what I wanted. I made some changes – and then I got stuck again. After the second session, I was able to make the final changes and finish the work.
Thank you Hiro for your amazing abilities, which you offer so graciously.”
Meg Siddheshwari Sullivan, Reiki Center East Bay
“My work with Hiro allowed fresh air, light, and deliciousness to flow into my life. I had completed energy work before, but I found Hiro’s way of working so deeply nurturing and encouraging.
I had been craving more grace, ease, and joy in my life — alongside a greater sense of lightness, creativity, and sovereignty. I had been struggling with a pervading sense of overwhelm and needed coping mechanisms. I wanted to love the life I have, knowing it was the one I had chosen wholeheartedly.
Hiro’s tools felt natural and familiar to me. And our work together freed me creatively. Since our time together, I’ve been experimenting with creative writing and pieces of art. I’m playing with the possibilities. I’m taking my time and exploring my world with a sense of profound calm and delight.”
Merry Sawdey
“Our sessions have been beyond my expectations! I’m still marveling at how you helped me sort out just what I needed to pay attention to, and then how gently and powerfully you worked with me.
I feel so lucky knowing that I have you to turn to, even when I’m not really sure what the problem is. I always know your voice will soothe me, your questions will open me up and your comments and observations will give me guidance.”
Shannon Wilkinson, Life Coach
Enjoy a rich conversation between Hiro and Eleanor Beaton, founder of SafiMedia, about what impels her mission to work for women’s empowerment and economic freedom through entrepreneurial wealth; why she chose to be mentored by Hiro to grow herself and her business to new, soul-led capacities; and how this partnership has transformed her life and her leadership in profound ways, both practical and miraculous.
“Not only is Hiro my business whisperer, she’s also my soul whisperer. Through our mentoring work together, I have accessed a level of strength, confidence, and leadership that, up until this point in my entrepreneurial journey, had remained elusive.
Our conversations are part healing sessions, part strategy sessions, and total soul sessions. Through my work with Hiro, I have an integrated strength and clear understanding of how all the parts of my business and my life work together.
This is where strategy meets soul, doing meets being, and action meets surrender. This is the most peace and trust I have felt in all the years since I started my business.
Grounding. Refreshing. Real. Sustainable. Magical. Practical. Wise. Truth with a capital T. The shifts within me are seismic, yet they’ve occurred so gradually and effortlessly. I’ve never felt more held or supported in my business and creative process.
Hiro is one of the most profound and important mentors in my life. She doesn’t just tell me what to do or how to do it, she teaches me how to listen to my own guidance and partner with the Devas and my own soul. Hiro is a co-creative, collaborative partner in the truest sense of the word.
Working with her is the best investment I’ve ever made in myself and my business. My revenues tripled, and my business is set for even more organic, effortless growth this year.”
Julie Santiago, Coach, former Wall Street trader, Creator of the Gratitude Circle.
“Working with Hiro is one of the most powerful transformational experiences I have enjoyed in a long life of transformational experiences.
She is the real deal and that is something, as you know, that is rare in our hyper-inflated show-me-the-money times.
Her knowledge and wisdom is vast, her ability to help you shift extraordinary, and her heart shines so brightly.
I find myself grinning just writing this – she is that real and that good.”
Jennifer Louden, Best-selling Author & Teacher
“Hiro is the perfect coach for me. She is strong, smart, easy to understand, and able to support the dynamic and ever evolving needs of my healer, artist, and entrepreneurial selves. It has taken years to find someone with a balance of spiritual acumen, business insight, and unbridled joy that is approachable, nimble, and a hoot of a good time.
Over the course of two years, I’ve eased into a relationship with Hiro and her offerings. It all started with an online course, Become Your Own Business Advisor. BYOBA introduced me to the soul of my business and taught me to co-create a way forward that supported both the business and myself. I was able to learn how to tune in to the organic pattern for my business’s evolution while honoring what felt natural for my personal evolution and growth.
After BYOBA, I signed up for a small group six-month experience, CREATE. CREATE lifted and breathed life into my artist self. The course structure, built in supports, and Hiro’s direct feedback during group calls all worked in concert to keep me inspired, actively creating, and open to greater possibilities for my projects. I watched myself and others move from thinking differently to actually behaving differently. Hiro lit a fire in all of us! It was just plain incredible. CREATE did such a great job of guiding my artist self, that I knew I needed additional support to keep it going once the program ended. So, before I even finished the CREATE program, I signed up for private mentoring.
After the very first session of mentoring I was blown away and awake with the content of our conversation. Hiro tuned in and turned my attention to the areas of my business most in need of alignment. She offered practical and easily implemented advice to address these areas, allowing me to resolve everything over the next month with efficiency and integrity.
At the end of every mentoring call with Hiro I have at least one full page of notes, action items, and the deep seeded clarity needed to support my next steps. I leave every encounter with her feeling clear, grounded, motivated, and able to focus on energy and actions that allow me to connect to the outcomes I desire most.
Since working with Hiro, my family and closest friends have noticed a difference in both my enthusiasm and energy for life and subsequently, work. I am more relaxed, less stressed, exceptionally optimistic, and more comfortable with the “unknowns” in life. I regularly share Hiro’s “jewels” with my family and friends, so much so that they look forward to my mentoring sessions too.
Hiro meets you with a gentle certainty and creates the space for you to either generate or simply receive exactly what you need to act, adjust, and move forward. If your reality requires you to be a healer, hold space, or facilitate self-healing for others, Hiro is the secret support you’ve always wanted but did not necessarily realize you needed. Working with Hiro is kind of like seeing a panda and hummingbird dancing a tango under a rainbow shining chocolate, cherries, coconuts, and champagne. It’s unexpected, energized, and full of delicious surprises.”
Daveda Russell, Founder & Chief Strategist,
“Whether it’s demons you’re wrestling with… or old baggage. Conflicted feelings. A sense of living a ‘muffled’ life. Of fighting with life with one part of you; craving peace with the other. Getting aligned with your most fierce, purposeful work…
All of these have improved beyond recognition since I’ve been working regularly with Hiro! As you consider this for yourself, my wish for you is this same feeling of being absurdly blessed by strength, and peace.
What’s next for me? Energy galore and certainty in my step for the work ahead, for our planet, and humanity.”
Andrea J. Lee, International activist; Coach; Author & Speaker
“My session with Hiro was powerful. She helped me clear old patterns, beliefs and karma that no longer serve me, so I can discover the world around me from a fresh perspective.
She also helped me connect to my emerging future, which is more creatively balanced and fulfilling my Soul’s purpose. Her guidance in how to think about the new book that I have begun to write was paradigm shifting and priceless.”
Sherold Barr, Entrepreneur, mentor, and founder of Smart Women Make Money
“I came to Hiro knowing that I wanted my business to grow so I could help more people and create a more abundant life — but I had no idea how to do that.
Traditional business ideas repelled me and I couldn’t imagine using strategies that are not aligned with the deeper values of my work.
After the first session of my mentoring immersion with Hiro I knew: This is it. She can help me get where I want to go — fast.
Hiro helped me to release old stories that didn’t serve me anymore. I learned how to shape my business, how to create a business that I love with all my heart.
Working with Hiro, my business has grown on all levels. What is most important for me — my business reflects who I am and what I value in life.
I have never met anyone who works with energy as powerfully as Hiro. I often feel, during a session, that mountains are being moved for me. And she does it with kindness, absolute clarity and a deep commitment to wholeness.”
Lea Hamann, Coach and teacher
“I feel at a loss for words. You’ve rendered me speechless, and THAT doesn’t happen often.
I just can’t thank you enough for the deep work and insight and LOVE you have given to me. Such clarity and grace, what a profound gift. Thank you.
It’s a miracle is what it is. (and as The Course in Miracles defines it, a “miracle is a shift in perception”). So, yep, we’re in the midst of a bonafide miracle.
Thank you for helping me to clear the way for amazing grace.”
Danielle LaPorte, Bestselling Author and Speaker, Creator of The Desire Map
“For the past six months I have looked forward to my time with Hiro with the anticipation of a young child meeting the new kid next door. Every session, I would meet myself (the new kid next door) with greater compassion, kindness, and certainty regarding my life’s work.
I have danced around my creativity for years — always allowing the intellect, and rational mind to lead the way at the expense of my happiness, and health. Now, my creative side is taking the lead role in my most exciting adventure thus far — my new clothing line and store named leka (which means “to play” in Swedish).
I am bursting with gratitude for these past six months with Hiro.
Hiro has the wisdom and kindness of a midwife, the skill and precision of a surgeon, the creative imagination of an artist, and the heart and laugh of a great GODDESS incarnate. She is truly the Best of the Best.
If there is one area that I would not scrimp on in starting my new business, it would be working with Hiro.
I would recommend her to anyone and everyone in business, wanting to be in business, or simply in the business of being alive!
Working with Hiro these past six months has been the best thing I could have done for my existing business, my new business, and my happiness.
Thank you, Hiro, forever and for always. Our time together will always be cherished, and kept sacred.”
Aase Lium-Hall, Designer
“In the past four years there have been many mornings when I woke up under a dark cloud, which was hard to shift. My session with Hiro helped me turn the corner.
My family relationships are shifting, clarifying and becoming simpler as the effects ripple out.
It is a huge blessing, getting to a place where I can live authentically at last.”
Lindsay McLeod, Guru Body
“Hiro showed me how to gently unravel the knots in which I had tied myself, and how to receive the compassionate and nourishing energy I desperately needed.
Through her gifted guidance I discovered the truth – I can accept with gratitude all that is me, my gift, my power, my difference, my way of being. From this place of wholeness I can release the judgment and worry – knowing it was never truly mine.”
Rebecca Leigh, Smart Fresh Writing
“When I decided to embark on a new writing project I had a vague feeling that something was missing in my approach. I wasn’t clear where the problem lay, but Hiro saw something in me that I was unable to see in myself. After one hour I was clearer about what was jamming me up. She showed me the significance of placing my creative work at the center of my life, and that protecting this my creative space will allow my work to flow more readily.
I’ve been writing more clearly ever since. Spending time with Hiro gave me an opening into the deepest part of myself – and some utterly practical suggestions. This is the blessing of Hiro.”
Kate Small
“Our work together has been a very empowering process. I now know how it feels, in my body, to be in harmony with myself and the universe. And I have learned practical strategies to reorient myself when my body, mind and spirit are not in alignment. I’ve also learned to access my own truth, my own information about anything and to trust that to guide me, rather than seek answers outside of myself.”
Judith Snider, Psychotherapist
“I have consulted with Hiro at a variety of transition stages in my business when I required a deep level of insight and guidance. Her deeply powerful sessions always left me both clear on the right business direction and super-charged with excitement and purpose.
Few people understand the human and spiritual side of business like Hiro does. She is a powerful mentor, and an ally of self-empowerment, sovereignty and the grace that lives within all of us.”
Pamela Slim, Best-selling Author
Tricia Karp, Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women
“I’ve had so many breakthroughs since we started working together, I don’t even know where to begin!
It’s been a transformative business makeover, yes, but so much more than that.
With your help, not only did I create a course that was an immediate financial success, but one that is sharper, more profound, more wonderfully and radically creative, more me than I could have ever dreamed of when I started.
What we ended up doing together was shaping a whole new way of working and being.
You helped me see all the ways I didn’t take care of myself, all the ways I held myself back and kept my business small, and you gave me the tools to grow and expand far beyond those limitations.
Exit striving, pushing and hiding, enter powerful creative flow and sweet success.
I feel like I’ve finally bridged the gap between the life I was living and the creative life of my dreams.
I could not have done this without you.”
Anna Lovind, Writer & Editor
“The work Hiro and I have been doing together for the past 6 months has given my business solid roots and sustainable growth. I’ve learned so much from Hiro’s balanced approach to life and business. I’m lucky to call her my coach.
Here are some of the tangible things that have resulted from our sessions: I’ve hired a new business manager to liberate me from the day-to-day operations of my company. I launched and sold out a new offering that Hiro and I shaped together in less than 48 hours; worked through tough decisions; and fleshed out the next version of my live event.
In addition to the effects on my business, we have done personal work to heal family dynamics, and I have learned how to grow into my own business adviser role even more fully. Wow — it’s amazing how much we were able to create together! Thank you so much, Hiro.”
Nathalie Lussier, Media and Marketing Specialist
“I came to Hiro feeling very stuck in my business and my whole life in general. I felt deeply called to serve in a bigger way but was wracked by fear and confusion that kept me in a swirl of indecision and inaction.
Over the course of our six-month mentoring relationship, I received truly holistic care and wisdom on every level of my being – from energy healing of some deep karmic baggage to practical ways of cultivating my own spiritual discernment and connection.
The shifts that have occurred since the start of our mentoring relationship are nothing short of remarkable – from clarifying my business offerings that deeply align with my soul to having more energy and joy when I get up in the morning. I am now offering classes, healings and talks to people in places of loss and transition…something not even on my radar before my work with Hiro.
Having Hiro as my intuitive mentor and coach transformed every part of my life. Our sessions together were a wonderful combination of spiritual nourishment, healing renewal and practical tools for energetic clarity and connection.
Nowadays, I am moving forward with laser-like clarity and focus, making decisions from a place of greater centeredness and wholeness, and feeling abundant spiritual support every step of the way.
Hiring Hiro was one of the best investments I’ve made in myself and business, hands-down. Whether you hire Hiro for a single session or long-term support, she is an amazing healer who facilitates big shifts and piercing insights to clear the way for your true radiance to shine forth in the world.”
Shannon Jackson Arnold
“I needed to find inner clarity around expressing a new facet of my work in a way that was clear, effective and able to reach people.
Hiro left me open-mouthed with awe. She has an exceptional ability to see and articulate inner dynamics in a way that’s real and practical. She embodies the very essence of clear seeing. And while leading me through deep work, her gentle spirit allowed me to feel perfectly safe and cared for every step of the way.”
Fabeku Fatunmise
“Working with Hiro as an immersion client has been the most incredible journey of homecoming I’ve ever experienced. Her brilliance is truly one of a kind.
As a result of her coaching and care, I gained the insight, skills and courage I needed to become more myself and to easily support my business as it transformed into what it needs to be – free of doubt and judgment.
Hiro taught me practical techniques I now use almost every day to bring all the parts of myself into full alignment. Imagine feeling like every part of you is on board with the decisions you make. Imagine how confident and supported you would feel. That is the gift Hiro has given me.
Her unique combination of generosity, energetic connection and business know-how is awesome. If you have a chance to work with her, don’t hesitate. Do it!”
Kate Byrne, Business Strategist
“When I first started working with Hiro five months ago, I felt stuck in a job that paid the bills but left me with no energy or time to start my coaching business. I was scared, worn out, and in physical pain. We had been trying to sell our investment property for a long time with no buyers. This made life even more stressful. I couldn’t see a way out.
Now, not only have I launched my business, I’ve quit my job and am happily working on my business full time. That investment property? It’s rented!
It’s hard to put into words just how much working with Hiro has helped me in this process.
My work with Hiro has become an essential part of my business education. I can’t thank her enough for all of her help, support and wisdom.”
Victoria Brouhard, Creating Your Entrepreneurial Life
“You know those Madeline books, where Miss Clavel wakes up in the middle of the night, raises her index finger and says, ‘Something is not right!?’
One year ago, I had that feeling about my business.
I’d built a successful asset management company, but there was no denying that feeling of having a large elephant trapped in a tiny room — perhaps doing lots of damage. And to my great frustration, that elephant was invisible. If I could just see the elephant, I could fix the problem. I am a woman of action, after all, who does nothing by halves. But I was so ‘in the middle’ of my business, I had no clue as to where to find the polka dotted pachyderm that was stomping through my work life.
Did you guess? The elephant in the room was me.
Hiro was superb at helping me see the things that had accumulated over the life cycle of my business — old habits, dated beliefs, barnacles on the boat.
I learned that you need to evolve as your business evolves. Otherwise, you get in your own way.
Over the past year, I’ve worked with Hiro every week. I’ve really come to appreciate the wisdom that she brings to bear, and the questions that she asks. In working with Hiro, I’ve become much more sensitive to subtleties. Where I once said, ‘something is not right,’ I can now say, ‘I know exactly what’s not right!’ And when I know what’s not right, I can take action, and so can you.
If you’re flummoxed, feeling out of sync, or sense that your business needs something to move forward — but you don’t know what that something might be — Hiro’s work around boundaries and sovereignty is critical.
I gave sessions with Hiro to a wide range of friends and they were all blown away. I’m not surprised — I trust Hiro completely.
If the business you’ve built feels like a lovely, cozy campfire — but what you really want is purple and green and blue sparks, lighting up the night sky — she’s the one for you.
It’s inexplicable. But it will change your life.”
Mariko Gordon, NYC, Founder and CEO of $2 billion asset management firm
“Sometimes, the surface of my life gets so roiled up that I have trouble seeing past it. When that happens, I’m glad I can go to Hiro for help in accessing the deep, timeless parts of myself where the answers lie. Immediately, I feel enveloped in the sense of crisp, calm clarity she exudes. Hiro gets to the core of each issue with illuminating, grounded and quite specific intuitive insights.”
Jocelyn Kahn, Truly Profound Relief
“My multiple sessions with Hiro have been the most powerful I have experienced to date. She is a gifted healer and her depth of knowing and seeing are truly “heaven-sent”. I have really loved our work together on every level.
Hiro is present in the most sacred and loving ways. Her own beautiful energy perfectly infuses and guides each session, and provides me with exactly what I am needing in the moment, and then out into the daily workings of my life. She has been a gift and a blessing in my life.”
Lisa Claudia Briggs, Intuitive Body
“I came to Hiro with a health issue that was keeping me from truly enjoying my life and my children. It was difficult to focus on my soul’s purpose when I felt ill each day and was worried about my health.
With Hiro’s guidance, we explored many different avenues and approaches to help me restore my health. I was surprised at how different aspects of my life were impacting my health. We even worked through issues around my professional goals.
I came away from our sessions having learned how to set clear boundaries with others, and how to keep myself grounded and my energy clear, so I can live more lightly. Hiro also showed me how to talk with my children’s souls, to help them in their development. These skills serve me deeply.
Working with Hiro brought about the most practical transformation in my life and health. I feel fundamentally altered, excited about the future, and on the right track towards my growth and evolution.”
Dr. Lisa Lefkovits, M.D., Physician. Atlanta, GA
“When I first heard about Hiro’s work, I was longing for more connection with my essence. I was often running in circles and giving my productive energy away to overwhelm and confusion. I had a strong sense of purpose, but I was at a loss when it came to manifesting this in the world.
When I started my work with Hiro, I was expecting big shifts but I also expected this to require a tremendous effort from me. In the end, I found out that the discipline of showing up and being present with what was emerging was all it took to ensure a smooth process.
My biggest revelation was realizing that all I had been looking to learn from Hiro was already inside of me. But it took her gentle support, listening ear, and a compassionate community to draw it out of me. The work around presence and grounding will serve me for a lifetime.”
Bahieh Amélia Khamsi, psychologist and coach
Cynthia Occelli, Entrepreneur, Author and Speaker,
“Hiro is one extraordinary woman. I’ve been seeking a business mentor for a long time but no-one quite resonated. I had had one session with Hiro a few years ago and kept coming back to it as I got so much value out of it. So I signed up for her three-month mentoring immersion.
Hiro holds a very sacred container, so I felt safe straight away and my nervous system could relax. It’s not so much about what Hiro does (though that’s brilliant) but it’s more about who she is and how she shows up in co-creative partnership.
Being mentored by Hiro has allowed me to release so much that wasn’t working for me. We have covered the whole spectrum from strategy to inner child work! I feel clear and connected to the Deva of my business, who continues to show me what’s next. Hiro has enabled me to connect to the soul of my business in a way that I didn’t know was possible.
Hiro is like a warm cup of tea with a shot as a chaser. She is nurturing, kind, compassionate and treats her clients as sacred. At the same time she is challenging, courageous and models what she teaches. She is an embodiment of grace, beauty, love and boundaries.
Thank you, Hiro, from the depth of my soul to yours – the other things I want to express are honestly beyond language. I look forward to re-connecting soon, Hiro, and in the meantime, thank you for the beautiful service you give to humanity. When one heals, we all heal.”
Sue McDonnell, Founder of Sue McDonnell Consulting, Executive Coach
“What has happened since I began working with Hiro six months ago has been nothing short of miraculous. Before engaging in this mentorship, I was running a business that was successful, yet I had an immense, deep feeling that I was still finding many ways/reasons to stay small and stay invisible. I had lots of ideas and wisdom and energy, but I fell short on following through with action, specifically when following through had anything to do with being public-facing and using my voice across broader landscapes.
I didn’t know quite what to expect from this work with Hiro; however, from the beginning I knew that it would be powerful. After I hung up the consultation call with Hiro and she had invited me to become a client, I burst into tears with gratitude .
After only a handful of sessions, an idea came through for me to create a group program for business leaders, and Hiro encouraged me to pursue it. I hesitated. She walked me through the mindset work needed to take another step. I faltered, and she grabbed my hand and hoisted me back up. I made a vulnerable choice that I was starting to regret, and she opened my awareness to a more expansive view point.
She pushed me beyond where I would have gone myself with love, clarity, and possibility. And then, to my utter disbelief, I was creating and running a mastermind experience for 18 outstanding leaders across the world. It felt instantaneous. I look back and marvel at how I have journeyed across the vast lengths of my inner and outer worlds in only 12 conversations with Hiro.
Hiro is powerful in every sense of the word. She guides with her heart. She generously shares her wisdom. She serves as a brilliant example to me of what is possible when trust combines with action. And then she opens the door for me to step further into myself and walk through. What I have found on the other side of that door is a version of myself who is more centered, grounded, self-aware, powerful, and blissed out than ever before. I can literally feel the becoming happening in every fiber of my being and it is exhilarating.”
Christine Owenell, Founder of Owenell Global Consultancy
“Working with Hiro is an investment in yourself and your business. As I completed the process of applying for a mentorship with her, I found myself emerging into the clarity of what I needed to accomplish, and why it was important to me to achieve my objectives.
Hiro responded quickly to my application, and I sensed the bridging between my needs and their actualization nearly immediately.
Our meetings generated a lot of work, which I thoroughly enjoyed completing. Bit by bit my business up-leveled, its message and offering clear and succinct, the strategy refined and clear.
The return on my investment is not just monetary, though that’s absolutely occurring. I am breathing the rarified air of a business that resonates with me and my market, and that brings me joy.”
Jill Leigh, Teacher & Founder of the Energy Healing Institute
“Being mentored by Hiro over these last seven years has been life changing. Speaking from my deepest heart, I don’t know where I would be right now without her support, wisdom and guidance.
My life has transformed from one that didn’t fit me at all, to one that does — spectacularly and beautifully. And my business is flowing at a rate bigger than I ever imagined.
My business has more than quadrupled in size since working with Hiro. It feels wonderful and true — in alignment with my soul and heart and life.
After years of doing my business all on my own, I now have solid support in my corner. I’ve done so much work with other coaches before, but Hiro is the most powerful healer and mentor I’ve ever experienced. She is deeply worth the investment.”
Leonie Dawson, Bestselling Author & Online Business Mentor
The transformative work I have been doing, with infinitely clear and kind guidance from Hiro, has opened entirely new layers of integration and homecoming within me.
As a woman leader, it is invaluable to have Hiro by my side. She supports me by always holding the larger universal perspective, with profound clear-seeing and energy clearing, while being utterly practical and rooted in the real.
We are indeed blessed to be alive on planet Earth at a time when a woman like Hiro walks among us.
I bow.
Chameli Ardagh, Founder
“During the year that I’ve worked with Hiro, I’ve experienced transformation and growth on so many levels. I have transformed patterns of self-doubt, self-limiting beliefs, and fears of stepping out in a bigger way, fears of being truly seen. The work is challenging, enlightening, often scary and always incredibly beautiful. I feel supported and gently encouraged to accept myself — all of my selves, really. Hiro consistently, lovingly nudges me to create and offer what only I can, based on my life, my story, my heart and my soul’s deepest desire.
Each time we meet, Hiro invites me to remember who I really am, and that everything is happening purposefully, at the right time and in the right way. It feels like coming home. As a result, I have experienced great success in my business. I continue to attract just the right yoga teachers to my advanced yoga teacher training program. My recent yoga retreat to Mexico was completely sold out. And, amazing opportunities continue to manifest — like a recent invitation to teach five classes at Wanderlust California 2014!
Hiro’s energy work, combined with her creative, effective business strategies have opened up unimaginable possibilities for my business. I am so incredibly blessed to have connected with Hiro at the exact time I have needed her knowledge, intuition and guidance most. She has forever changed my life and continues to reshape my view of what is possible for me, for my soul and for the soul of my business.”
Jill Knouse
“Before deciding to work with Hiro, I spent a long time searching for the right support to grow my business. I had been mentored by folks in my field, and even looked into high-end business coaching programs, but none of them felt right.This year of being mentored by Hiro has been truly transformative. The first shift happened when I realized I’d spent years trying to build a business I didn’t actually want. Hiro helped me step back and take a good look at every aspect of my business, and then gently guided me to connect with the heart and soul of my business so I could transform it into something I love and support with all my being.Our work together resulted in a gorgeous new website, new offerings that I can truly stand behind, and a new way of interacting with my business on a daily basis. Since I made these changes there has been steady growth in my mailing list; clients that are a perfect match keep showing up; and new opportunities continue to appear.
Though there has been a lot of growth in my business as a result of working with Hiro, the biggest shift happened in me. I feel so much more at peace with my business and how I interact with it, and I have so much more confidence and clarity in my work and what I offer to the world. Fears of moving forward and insecurities about not being ‘good enough’ have faded away.
When our year together came to an end I felt a little sad. I didn’t know if I would be able to do this on my own. But, when it was time to say good-bye I felt like a bird that had been set free to fly on my own. I felt strong, and ready to do this, and I’ve been flying confidently every since.
Thank you, Hiro! Thank you for your gentle guidance and nourishing support. Thank you for seeing me as a unique individual and never reducing our work to a formula. Thank you for seeing the potential in both me and my business, but mostly thank you for your presence and your kindness through this process.”
Trish Elting, Yoga teacher, Inner peace maker, semi-retired rockstar
“Hiro, this is really a combined thank-you letter and testimonial.
When we started working together, my goal was to feel like writing more. I felt burnt out, and it was making me afraid. I wanted you to help me find a way to squeeze more billable hours out of myself. I know how ridiculous that sounds now – overworked person wanting to feel like working more – but that was my mindset.
Fast forward to now: I’ve repositioned my business to bring out more of the qualities I want it to have – qualities that make me feel happy and energized. I’m working with the best clients in the world. I’ve added amazingly talented writers to my team so I’m scalable. I’ve started a new, high-end program that calls on my secret superpowers. My website is about to be redesigned to better reflect the experience of working with me. I’ve also just had the best three months in my business ever. Revenue this year is up 54% over last year.
This wasn’t your goal – but it was an outcome of our work together.
I can’t do anything that’s not good for me.
Yes, I’ve been applying actual marketing tactics and it’s not all just magical fairy dust. But I already knew how to do these things. The difference is that now I’m heading up the right mountain and I know I’m on the right path. There’s a certainty to what I’m doing, a surefooted-ness. I trust my intuition. I’m starting to know what it feels like to just know what to do. It’s a wonderful sensation, to actually trust my own judgment.
I’m creating my business from the inside out. Because I know how to say “yes” to the things I want my business to have – and “no” to the things I don’t want it to have – my business is growing toward me rather than away from me.
I am a different person today than I was 4 months ago. And my business is different, too. You might not call yourself a “business adviser” – because you’re so much more. But if I had come to you for pure business reasons, I can definitely point to at least a ten-fold return on investment. What I ended up getting was much, much more than that. Thank you!”
Kelly Parkinson, Principal Communicator
“Hiro, thank you so much for the love and guidance you have given me over the past few months. I am truly grateful.
Your wisdom and amazing healing techniques have helped me to uncover and dissolve several challenges and fears that I’ve carried within for years. Through our mentoring sessions I have been able to create the business and life that I desire. I have found the courage to make the shifts I needed and I now see a steady stream of clients on a weekly basis.
More importantly, you have taught me invaluable lessons on how to create boundaries, regain clarity and fully come into my personal power as a woman and entrepreneur. Each and every session with you amazes me with penetrating insight and the light you shed on different aspects of my life and business. Hiro, thank you for doing what you do!”
Tarra Tae
A Letter of Cosmic Relevance
Re: my retreat with Hiro Boga.
Here’s what went down:
There was tea. And organic raspberries. And the ocean.
A warm room for napping. Pads of white paper for scheming. Plenty of time for dreaming. But first…
There was a mind map I’d emailed to Hiro a week before I arrived. My business and aims all mapped out with one sentence explanations. Hiro had it printed out and sitting beside her chair.
“Where shall we start?” she asked.
“Let’s start with my new book.”
We cleared emotions, transformed patterns and got very clear direction — on everything . On my creative intentions, and the blocks and the road signs to alignment and success.
I thought I was going for deeper strategy; what I got was a chiropractic adjustment for my soul.
Big themes that have been with me all this life-time showed up — some to be plucked out, and others to be crowned.
Sometimes our meditations and conversations happened overlooking Hiro’s back yard (which is graced with a family of deer), and other times we did clearing work while walking on the beach.
On Day One, I committed to go in to find out. Day Two, I was exhausted. On day Three, I was so energized I wanted to swim home and get to work.
Hiro is a Soul Sherpa. She knows where to find the crevasses and how to get you to your summits.
After three days of working my psyche with Hiro’s techniques, I was not only tuned up, but I was leaving with the tools to, as she puts it, “become my own business adviser.” I thought I always was my own business adviser, but sometimes it’s outmoded thought forms and tired ol’ karma calling the shots. But not after Boga time.
This is the sacred work that needs to be done before you forge into the world with your ambitions and plans.
Tea. Energetics. And the future merges with now.
Make the journey.
Danielle LaPorte, Bestselling Author and Speaker, Creator of The Desire Map
“My retreat with Hiro was a holy marker between two phases of my life – before wholeness and after.
Now don’t get me wrong – I will always be becoming more whole, doing the play-work of this world, and since my time with Hiro, there is a deep, deep foundation of okayness. Peace. Unshakable faith in myself.
What does that look like in the world?
My novel is coming alive after years of struggle. My trust in my next calling is so much stronger. My health is improving. My self-trust is shining.
But more than anything, again, it is peace and unshakable well-being that I took away from my time with Hiro. A letting go of ghost structures, sticky stories. A spirit liberation.
Hiro is beauty and kindness and wisdom. Spend time with her in any way you can.”
Jennifer Louden, Best-selling Author & Teacher
“When I think of my safest, best place, the special place I draw strength from when I need it most, I smile. Then, I tap into the work I’ve done with Hiro, and this best place of mine lights up and expands to the size of the planet.
With power, clarity and joy, doing this soul-level work with Hiro has amplified what I am able to do in the world. And magnified the peace and conviction with which I do it.”
Andrea J. Lee, International activist; Coach; Author & Speaker
Tricia Karp, Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women
“Dear Hiro,
I’ve had the privilege of working with you for many years in many different formats — privately, in group workshops, in a year-long transformational program.
The Story House Retreat was a very different experience. It was more intense, and created deep and lasting change.
The three-day retreat gave me time and space to confront my patterns and to transform them.
I experienced, in my body, what it felt like to run a different energy and to create new pathways, new habits. When I veered off into old patterns, you were there to guide me back.
During our process and afterwards, I realized what a toxic energy field I had been living in and how impossible it was to create from that place or to experience any joy in that state.
I was seeing the world through the filter of early stories and it was very hard to step out of that place on my own.
Since returning home from my retreat, I notice significant differences in my behaviors, priorities, boundaries, and the choices that I make. I am also much more aware of the subtle energy patterns in and around me, and more conscious of how I interact with them.
This focused work with you has freed up a lot of blocked creativity and joy. I am especially grateful for that.
With love and gratitude,
Judith Snider, RCC; Family Therapist.
“Every moment of my Story House retreat with Hiro was restorative, elegant, and deeply rewarding. From the spectacular ferry boat ride that brought me to her home in Nanaimo, to the luxurious strolls we took along the coastline, to the beautifully-prepared meals (and snacks, and chocolates), to the evocative energy & visualization work — I felt completely & wholly cradled in love.
So, what actually… happened? I wrote three new poems. I outlined my creative priorities for the year. I got invited to headline at a gorgeous retreat (mere hours after sharing with Hiro how much I wanted to teach, at a workshop). I slept — a lot. I read — a lot. I did some work untangling my dreams & needs from those of my partner. I set old stories aside.
In ancient times, students would travel miles — lifetimes — simply to be in the presence of a great teacher, healer or wise one. My trip to Hiro’s home had echoes of just such a pilgrimage. And I’ll never forget it.”
Alexandra Franzen, Promotional Wordsmith & Personal Scribe