by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy, Relationships
This year, I’m renewing my friendship with winter. Here, in the Pacific Northwest, winter is weeks of big-bellied clouds looming low, dimming daylight to a crepuscular gloom that seeps invisibly into night. And drenching us in Biblical torrents of rain. As a new...
by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy, Soul Alchemy
Algebra finds missing information by using information we already have. In certain algebraic equations, a single variable within the equation remains unknown. To solve the equation, we work with the known variables to find the unknown variable. There is a koan in...
by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy, mentorship
Desire is the voice of your soul calling you to your own becoming. Capacity is the power you are able to draw on at any given moment, to bring your desire to fruition. There are times when your soul calls you to increase your capacity so you can embrace and fulfill...
by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy, Soul Business
These past few weeks, I’ve been re-reading Etty Hillesum’s journal and letters, written when she was at Westerbork Transit Camp, and later at Auschwitz, where she died in 1943. She was just 29 years old. Her journals are extraordinary. They reveal a thoughtful, deeply...
by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy
You can view any creation through a variety of lenses. For today, consider the unfolding pattern of your life through the lens of a game. Every game has rules that define it, that articulate the boundaries and limits within which the game is played, and the rules of...
by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy
When external structures fall apart, internal structure becomes essential for your integrity and well being. Structure ≠ rigidity. Structures can be tensile, like bone. They can be flexible and pliable, like skin. They give shape and form to your day. They hold you in...