The Deva of Truth

The Deva of Truth offers the bedrock of truth as the foundation on which your life can rest today. Beyond your dreams, your drama, your hopes and wishes, the truth of your life shines with a quiet radiance. What is true for you, today? What will you do with it, once...

The Deva of Unity

The Deva of Unity accompanies us into this final week of June, and the start of the summer. What feels fragmented or separated -- within you, within your business? When you attune to the Deva of Unity, and bring that feeling into those places of separation, what...

The Deva of Love

The Deva of Love

The Deva of Love welcomes us into its world this week. What happens -- in you, in your world, in your business -- when you bring everything into the heart of Love? The issues you're grappling with, that seem so thorny, so tenacious. Your business. Your thoughts and...

The Deva of Freedom

The Deva of Freedom offers its companionship this week. Before you step into the stream of your week, spend some time getting to know the Deva of Freedom. Experience its presence, and explore the presence of this soul quality within you. Because it is a quality of...

Choose to be generous

You can download and print this badge by right-clicking on it, then click 'save image as'. It will show up in your download folder. Post it as your screensaver for the week. Add it to your vision board. Share it with the people you love. May it remind you of what you...

Until that day…

When I die, I want to be this log-- a nursery for green and growing things. Small trees spring from my body-- shy, exuberant, leaping towards sunshine. This must be how the Earth feels about people, grasses, whales-- all us green and growing things rooted in her...

Be the Source

You can download and print this badge by right-clicking on it, then click 'save image as'. It will show up in your download folder. Post it as your screensaver for the week. Add it to your vision board. Share it with the people you love. May it remind you of what you...

The Deva of Safety

This morning, the Deva of Safety invites us to play. What would you create -- in your life, in your business -- if you knew you were truly and completely safe? Close your eyes. Breathe in the quality of Safety. Feel safety fill every cell in your body. Feel it fill...