On Healing

On Healing

I’ve been thinking about healing — its nature and function; its relationship to our lives and the life of our world; how it unfolds; what its purpose is, and more. Here are some thoughts that emerged from my brief, initial exploration –in no...
What To Do When Things Fall Apart

What To Do When Things Fall Apart

Consider a situation in which you feel helpless to alter the outcome. One which you’ve done everything in your power to create, transform, heal, or resolve. One which deflates your illusions of control. An inner pattern that undermines the trajectory of your...
Judgement, Discernment & Soul Hunger

Judgement, Discernment & Soul Hunger

Judgment is not discernment. It may give you a temporary feeling of power and satisfaction, but it’s often just a poor substitute for your soul. When you find yourself judging — people, situations, yourself, the state of the world, what-is — tune...
Let It Be: On Contentment & Miracles

Let It Be: On Contentment & Miracles

The world offers itself to us in every moment, quietly, patiently, soft in its tenderness, savage in its extravagant beauty. Blue mountains painted on the rim of a pale winter sky. Stiff-fingered branches, all thrust and assertion, reaching, grabbing, swallowing air...
Play With Desire

Play With Desire

Consider the thing that’s been tugging at your heart lately. Something that hasn’t quite come into focus. A dream. A wish. A desire. A sense that makes no sense, yet feels as intimate as the inside of your belly. Its outlines are blurry, its power...
Fall for the Joy of It!

Fall for the Joy of It!

Today’s practice: It’s Fall, here in my neck of the woods — the season when Light turns from summer-shaded eyes and sun-blessed skin to begin her steep descent through the corridor of bones, into the cold, slow marrow of winter. Season of drifting...