Let It Be: On Contentment & Miracles

Let It Be: On Contentment & Miracles

The world offers itself to us in every moment, quietly, patiently, soft in its tenderness, savage in its extravagant beauty. Blue mountains painted on the rim of a pale winter sky. Stiff-fingered branches, all thrust and assertion, reaching, grabbing, swallowing air...
What would be a miracle for you, this year?

What would be a miracle for you, this year?

The New Year brings a great wave of hope and optimism – which lifts our spirits, makes us buoyant, helps us navigate life’s journey joyfully, consciously. And, I find myself shrinking away from the clamor of plans and intentions, goals and declarations...

Birthday Week Giveaway # 2: You Are a Miracle

My birthday gift for you today is a poem — You Are a Miracle. A reminder of the magical, multidimensional miracle that is You. You are a miracle. Everyone and everything in your life is a miracle too. This gift is offered in two different formats, as a printable...
Happy birthday to…all your creations

Happy birthday to…all your creations

Tomorrow is my birthday. All week, I have dreamed of giving birth, of being born. Birth is a violently propulsive process. The push and thrust, the bloody, messy explosiveness of it – these are pale rumors, grunted intimations of the perilous journey into...

You Are A Miracle…

You are a miracle. When you walk down the road today, or stand up and move from your desk to your favorite chair When you put on your pajamas, take off your glasses, snuggle into your pillow, your softest quilt When you take a breath, or take your sweater to the...