The Nearness of You

It’s that time of year, when the urge to be rid of the past, and to forge forward into a glorious future feels almost irresistible. I’ve been hearing some variation of this from my clients, over the past few weeks: I’m so done with that pattern/that...

Grumble Hook Guidance

You know that voice in your head? The one that groans and grumbles, squeals and squawks like an out-of-tune fiddle? The one that fills the balloon of your head with righteous indignation at the shocking behavior of so-and-so; the temerity, the unbelievable gall of...

Careening around the curve

For the past few days, I’ve been stopped in my tracks by back spasms. They zing through my body – electrifyingly! –when I sit for longer than a few minutes, or turn to look over my shoulder, or bend forward even slightly. This makes brushing my teeth...
The Home of Your Heart

The Home of Your Heart

When you’re creative, dedicated, and in business for yourself, it’s easy to get painfully busy. You work in and on your business, harder than you’ve ever worked at any job. And there are a million tasks that need your time and attention. By the end...