How Does Your Business Serve Your World?

How Does Your Business Serve Your World?

A few months ago, a dear friend spent the morning puttering in his garden, had lunch with his lovely wife, laid down for a nap, suffered a massive heart attack, and died. His death shocked all of us who knew and loved him. He was my age, fit, active, seemingly in...

On Right Relationship With Money

On Right Relationship With Money

Money doesn't belong to you, but it does belong with you. It is the lifeblood of the Devas of Provision and Sustenance. When it's able to circulate freely, money enters your life through your engagement with your world, through your work and service, creativity and...

Obedience: Toxic or Divine?

Obedience: Toxic or Divine?

To whom or what do you offer your obedience? Obedience is a quality of soul, so it’s within you as a seed or potential that can be cultivated and practiced. But unlike other soul qualities like love, truth, courage or sovereignty, which have their place in every...

Your Path, Your Way

Your Path, Your Way

The pattern that your soul had etched for your incarnation before you were born includes pathways that were designed to carry you through this life fluidly and effectively. These pathways were meant to serve you so you could fulfill your soul’s purposes with elegance...

Trauma, Safety & Soul Business

Trauma, Safety & Soul Business

If you find yourself repeating patterns of not-enoughness in your business -- not enough time, money, sales, connection, resources, allies, creative joy or whatever you truly desire -- chances are, you've landed in a bog of past trauma, either from your own life, that...

On Being Human

On Being Human

We are not here to transcend the limits of incarnation. We are here to learn the sacred art of being human, of meeting, with curiosity and kindness, the everyday negotiation between vision and boundary, desire and capacity, love and need. In our attempts to transcend...

On Becoming Wise(r)

On Becoming Wise(r)

You know that meme that asks what you would say to your younger self if you could offer her/him the benefit of your mature wisdom? Truth is... Every age you've ever been has held the wisdom you needed at the time. Your 12-year-old self, your 30-year-old self, your...

Create With Power

Create With Power

This time of year can be a glorious playground for your creative imagination. The hum of your desires propels you forward as you envision the future you and your business want to inhabit in the new year. You may find, though, that your excitement about the adventure...

On Dignity

On Dignity

Dignity. It’s one of those words that’s fallen out of fashion; it sounds somewhat stuffy, full of itself, as though it wears an un-ironic bow-tie and plaid sports coat to sit down to breakfast each morning. And yet, nothing’s further from the truth. Dignity is the...