Story-Making: The art of dreaming in the dark

Each of us is born knowing who we are and where we come from. We are born with the knowledge of our true home. We are born knowing that every story already lives inside us as pure potentiality. We enter our stories to discover our own rich and delicious wholeness. To discover who we are, and how we want to live. To choose from the many lives and the infinite possibilities that already exist in other dimensions, and to bring them down to earth.

Step Into Your Future

Here in Canada, we celebrate Thanksgiving in October. This month, our American friends are preparing to celebrate it too. My heart is so grateful for the beauty of this turning season -- and for the long, sunny days we've enjoyed this Fall. I am grateful, too, for all...

Freedom’s Just Another Word…

I woke up this morning from a convoluted, vividly scary dream where I was wandering, shoeless, on a dark city street in a seedy part of town. It was the witching hour -- fading day cast grotesque shadows on dimly lit sidewalks. A nameless, faceless city, made more...

Happy birthday to…all your creations

Happy birthday to…all your creations

Tomorrow is my birthday. All week, I have dreamed of giving birth, of being born. Birth is a violently propulsive process. The push and thrust, the bloody, messy explosiveness of it - these are pale rumors, grunted intimations of the perilous journey into incarnation....