Transforming Privilege

Transforming Privilege

You don't have to crawl on the broken glass of guilt and shame, mea culpa-ing the entire way, to redeem yourself of unearned systemic privilege -- of race, class, gender, caste, education, wealth or anything else that offers you elevation. Blindness is assuming that...

Let It Be: On Contentment & Miracles

Let It Be: On Contentment & Miracles

The world offers itself to us in every moment, quietly, patiently, soft in its tenderness, savage in its extravagant beauty. Blue mountains painted on the rim of a pale winter sky. Stiff-fingered branches, all thrust and assertion, reaching, grabbing, swallowing air...

The Year of Creative Action

The Year of Creative Action

It’s a clear, cold morning, the bright beauty of the new year reflected in this translucent January sky. Sunlight gilds the rooftops outside my study window, and paints the mountains that ring the horizon a flat, grey-blue. The beauty of this world takes my breath...

Love, Soul Power, and The Thing That Hurts

Love, Soul Power, and The Thing That Hurts

The holidays hold a powerful energetic field, woven of light waves that include our collective history, our most profound myths and sacred stories, our human longing for community and communion, and the shimmering promise of birth and renewal that is the open door of...

Soul’s Call : Soul In Action

Soul’s Call : Soul In Action

Each of us meets our soul and its call in our own unique way. Each day, we choose to share ourselves and our gifts authentically, generously. Each day, we do the work to bring wholeness, prosperity and peace to ourselves and our world. We do this one day at a time, one choice, one courageous, loving, devoted action at a time. In making this our practice, we soften our hearts to a fine receptivity, and become the peace and wholeness we seek.

Play With Desire

Play With Desire

Consider the thing that's been tugging at your heart lately. Something that hasn't quite come into focus. A dream. A wish. A desire. A sense that makes no sense, yet feels as intimate as the inside of your belly. Its outlines are blurry, its power undeniable. Play...

Fall for the Joy of It!

Fall for the Joy of It!

Today's practice: It's Fall, here in my neck of the woods -- the season when Light turns from summer-shaded eyes and sun-blessed skin to begin her steep descent through the corridor of bones, into the cold, slow marrow of winter. Season of drifting leaves, of trees...