The Power of Inner Structure

The Power of Inner Structure

When external structures fall apart, internal structure becomes essential for your integrity and well being. Structure ≠ rigidity. Structures can be tensile, like bone. They can be flexible and pliable, like skin. They give shape and form to your day. They hold you in...
What To Do When Things Fall Apart

What To Do When Things Fall Apart

Consider a situation in which you feel helpless to alter the outcome. One which you’ve done everything in your power to create, transform, heal, or resolve. One which deflates your illusions of control. An inner pattern that undermines the trajectory of your...
On Divine Order

On Divine Order

The quality of your being is shaped by your choices. What you do, or don’t do, shapes who you become. Doing isn’t necessarily better than not-doing, though in our hyper-driven world, we sometimes confuse action with wisdom, or at least cede it the moral...