Call Me

Call Me

I grew up in Bombay, which, in the 1950’s, was a vibrant mercantile city of about 3 million people. It was a city of neighborhoods. The one in which we lived was a mish-mash of old Colonial bungalows, crumbling plaster houses, low concrete buildings and...

What sustains you?

The Deva of Sustenance offers us its companionship this week. Who or what sustains you? Feel the miraculous ways — big and small — in which you are held, nourished, and provided for. Feel the earth beneath your feet. Feel the presence of the Deva of the...

Soul Food: the Deva of Sustenance

Sitting with the Deva of Sustenance on this misty Sunday morning. What sustains you? What holds you up day in and day out? What puts ground under your feet? Here’s what sustains me today: Physically: Breath. Miraculous inner workings of my body — blood,...