Do It For Love

Do It For Love

This is a story — a story about how transformation happens. A story about the many paths through which we find our way back to the wellspring from which all joy and magic, beauty and creation flows. This is a story about love, and messes, and house-cleaning. On many...
On right relationship with power

On right relationship with power

To heal a world inflamed by abuses of power, each of us must take responsibility for exercising our own power wisely. Know the shape of your own, unique genius. Embody your soul’s gifts. Bring the healing balm of love and grace into each encounter, through the...

You Are…

You are a source of love, blessing, positive energy and sacredness in the world. You are more than just a consumer of these qualities. When you choose to be a source you shape the world with your presence. Take a look at your world. The shape it’s in will tell...