Personal power walks hand-in-hand with personal responsibility. When you take responsibility for your choices, for your words, thoughts, feelings, intentions, beliefs and actions, you embody the power of your soul and of your incarnation.
This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, or do this perfectly. It just means that your primary commitment is to responsibility for your life, and to truth, no matter how challenging this may be.
When you refuse responsibility for your sovereign choices and actions, you become untrustworthy to yourself, and mistrustful of the world around you.
You turn away from your soul and its gifts, feel powerless, project your inner state of disconnection and mistrust onto your world, and create a kind of hell realm for yourself and others, in the process.
Compassion offers a doorway through this state of being. Responsibility restores you to wholeness, power, trust, trustworthiness, and soul communion.