by Hiro Boga | Creativity
As a creative person with a curious, questing mind, you are interested in so many things! You want to write that novel, weave a 3-D wall tapestry, and oh…illustrate a book for kids and the grownups who love them! You want to spend a semester in Florence,...
by Hiro Boga | Soul Business
Do you feel shy about inviting folks to buy your new offering? Try this: Pull your energy out of your offer and let it stand in the integrity of its own soul’s essence. It will find the folks with whom it resonates, the ones it is meant to serve. This leaves you...
by Hiro Boga | Ask Hiro, Soul Alchemy
{Listen to the audio version of this post, here.} From time to time, my beloved readers write in with questions that are weighing on your hearts, or occupying your thoughts in significant ways. Thank you, dear Claudia, for this thoughtful inquiry, and for sparking the...
by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy, Soul Business
It’s June, and here in the Pacific Northwest, summer’s waving her golden arms from across the horizon. There’s a radiance that illuminates this part of the world as the days grow longer and light returns in all her splendor. The ruffling leaves of the maple trees...