When Change Upends Your Life, Try This…

When Change Upends Your Life, Try This…

Whenever you create something new, you alter the topography of your inner being as well as the shape of your life and the world around you. Creativity destabilizes the existing order — or disorder — in ways you cannot predict or control. That liminal time...
Soul-Powered Success

Soul-Powered Success

There is a profound hunger for freedom, spaciousness, abundance and ease, among our community of creative entrepreneurs. We long to contribute our creativity, skills and heart to the task of building a world that works for everyone. We believe in business as a soul...

Marketing Transformation

You cannot market transformational services using traditional marketing formulae. I don’t think you can market anything effectively in that way, but it’s a mug’s game, trying to express the truths of sacred work in terms of pain points and other...