The Art of Belonging

A couple of weekends ago, I spent a delicious three days with my sons, their partners, and my wonderful little granddaughter, who is not quite two years old. Since we live nearly three hundred miles apart, we had rented a house at a lakeside resort half-way between...

Desire is prayer

Desire is prayer

Prayer is the longing of the heart to know and be known by the Beloved. Every prayer is deep Desire. Every true desire is prayer.

Build a new body of experience

If you're going through one of those narrow places in your life where you feel alone and unprotected -- that trapped, not-enough-air-to-breathe feeling where the walls of your world loom over you, steep and hard-edged, and there's no inspiring star to guide you --...

Between shelter and flight

Today, all that shelters me descends with the sudden, clamorous weight of a collapsed safari tent. Tangled in its heavy canvas, its guy wires and flapping doorway, I struggle to my knees, scrape the palm of my hand against flinty ground, stagger upright in the ruins...