Call your stories home…

It’s the beginning of November, and the maple trees outside my window are stripping for winter in a shimmer of autumn gold. Nature tells the season’s story, and foreshadows the stories of the seasons to come. What stories have you been telling yourself...
Remembering Hiroshima

Remembering Hiroshima

On August 6th, 1945, the world’s first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. An estimated 140,000 people died in the aftermath. Today, the city of Hiroshima leads the movement for world peace. I am proud to be named for this city, which has transformed a legacy...
Tsunamis In the House of Wholeness

Tsunamis In the House of Wholeness

For much of my life, I’ve been in a profoundly playful, intimate, sometimes exasperating, richly rewarding relationship with writing. I love words, I love the immersive alchemy of writing, and I seek to bring to life stories that liberate rather than congeal....

Places of the Heart…

Last weekend, I learned that I’ll have to leave the house I’ve lived in for the past three years. Its owner, a lovely woman, wants it back for her own family as a vacation home. Not today, not tomorrow, but sometime in the next few months, I will have to...