What To Do When Things Fall Apart

What To Do When Things Fall Apart

Consider a situation in which you feel helpless to alter the outcome. One which you’ve done everything in your power to create, transform, heal, or resolve. One which deflates your illusions of control. An inner pattern that undermines the trajectory of your...

Show Me

SUNDAY POEM Show me in your emerald heart, in the current of your river. Show me how to open my hands, your laughing light trembling between my palms. Tara, show me I have left the house with no roof. Hands ache from clutching water, gripping air. No ground, no walls,...

Sunday Poem #7

Dancing with Resistance is a slow waltz with a great gorilla. Hot, scratchy. A sweaty, fumbling dance that tastes like copper pennies. That exhales a bitter breath. I cannot see. His shoulders fill the world, and I cannot see. Those long arms hold me firmly to a chest...