by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy, mentorship
Desire is the voice of your soul calling you to your own becoming. Capacity is the power you are able to draw on at any given moment, to bring your desire to fruition. There are times when your soul calls you to increase your capacity so you can embrace and fulfill...
by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy
Unhealed wounds leave us vulnerable to manipulation. At their extremity, unhealed wounds are portals through which ideologues and fundamentalists (of every stripe) recruit, program, and weaponize people to serve their own agendas of dominance and control. Healing is a...
by Hiro Boga | Soul Alchemy
Yesterday, I spent most of the day in hospital, feeling simultaneously very ill, and immensely grateful for modern medicine and for the Devas and their human counterparts who grace these seemingly sterile places with such kindness, humour and compassionate power....
by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy, Self-Care
I’ve been thinking about healing — its nature and function; its relationship to our lives and the life of our world; how it unfolds; what its purpose is, and more. Here are some thoughts that emerged from my brief, initial exploration –in no...
by Hiro Boga | Self-Care, Soul
Consider a situation in which you feel helpless to alter the outcome. One which you’ve done everything in your power to create, transform, heal, or resolve. One which deflates your illusions of control. An inner pattern that undermines the trajectory of your...