by Hiro Boga | Caring for & Nurturing the Self, Listen
The first of an eight part series with Koren Motekaitis of How She Really Does It. In this conversation about power and radiance we discuss: 3:16 What is power? 11:25 Choosing how you want to live and what will support you most fully to bring your radiance into the...
by Hiro Boga | Creating & Shaping Your Journey
What is your purpose for being here, on this planet, at this time in our collective history? And why does your purpose matter? The Oxford English Dictionary defines purpose as “The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” Purpose,...
by Hiro Boga | Creating & Shaping Your Journey, Rule Your World, Soul
Personal power walks hand-in-hand with personal responsibility. When you take responsibility for your choices, for your words, thoughts, feelings, intentions, beliefs and actions, you embody the power of your soul and of your incarnation. This doesn’t mean you...
by Hiro Boga | Community, Soul
One of the cultural memes that I see bandied about frequently is the concept of “empowerment.” It’s being used to sell everything from retreats in exotic places (in a post-covid dream paradise!) to high-end consumer goods, to programs aimed at “uplifting”...
by Hiro Boga | Sovereignty & Freedom
It’s a clear, cold morning, the bright beauty of the new year reflected in this translucent January sky. Sunlight gilds the rooftops outside my study window, and paints the mountains that ring the horizon a flat, grey-blue. The beauty of this world takes my breath...