The first of an eight part series with Koren Motekaitis of How She Really Does It.
In this conversation about power and radiance we discuss:
3:16 What is power?
11:25 Choosing how you want to live and what will support you most fully to bring your radiance into the world
12:12 the Power to Choose
15:03 Acting on behalf of your whole self as an exercise of power
17:30 You can choose the lens through which you focus and see the circumstances of your life
24:10 How to treat yourself with great hospitality
28:29 Welcoming self and acknowledging that “who I am encompasses and includes my vulnerability and need”
34:00 Safety is a fundamental human need
35:50 Why Transformation requires safety
44:00 A “family meeting” speaking to yourself
48:00 How to show up with full radiance and your whole self
50:30 What is Sovereignty?
Listen in
Learn more about Koren here, and check out the How She Really Does it Podcast here.