Marketing When You Feel Not-Good-Enough

Marketing When You Feel Not-Good-Enough

Do you feel shy about inviting folks to buy your new offering? Try this: Pull your energy out of your offer and let it stand in the integrity of its own soul’s essence. It will find the folks with whom it resonates, the ones it is meant to serve. This leaves you...
On Marketing Lifestyle Brands

On Marketing Lifestyle Brands

As women, if we don’t take our desires, our dreams, our work, our art, our gifts seriously, then neither will the rest of the world. Instead of focusing on creating, on making what we’re called to make with all our skill and heart, we’re urged to turn our energies to...

Flourishing at the tideline

Monday morning. As I stand at the threshold of the week ahead, the quality I experience most clearly is one of ordering and shaping. Sipping mint tea this early spring morning, my heart expands out my living room window into a landscape where silver sea meets sandy...