In Praise of Bitterness

In Praise of Bitterness

When I was a child I loathed the bitter foods that our cook served up several times each week. Karela, also known as bitter gourd. Tittori—a variety of bitter lentil. Methi bhaji, a particularly mouth-puckering species of spinach. Bitter foods had their place in my...

Sovereignty and Feelings

This is the fourth in a series of brief excerpts from How To Rule Your World From The Inside Out: The Art Of Inner Leadership. 2nd Chakra: Sovereignty and feelings Emotional intelligence is an essential skill, both for understanding our selves and for being in right...


April has been a month of slippery emotions. For me, and for so many of my clients. Like spring weather: sunny one moment, then sudden thundershowers. Or hail. Sleet. Wind. More sunshine! Confusing? Sometimes. Yet learning to dress for emotional weather is an...