Nourishing the Body of Imagination

Nourishing the Body of Imagination

There are certain principles that apply to all forms of exploration. Begin with a question that’s scratching at the back door of your consciousness. Or one that intrigues you. Or one that won’t leave you alone, that shows up unbidden in your dreams, in the shower,...


SUNDAY POEM You gods and bearded prophets, go squabble in the pub for a while. I’ve heard enough of heroes and lightning chariots streaking across the sky. My companions are Cassandra and Cordelia. They cook with me and wash dishes afterwards. This chipped blue...

Sailing the Unknown Sea: #2

(In this series, we explore what helps us in the journey from where we are to where we want to be.) Last week, we talked about two ways to prepare for your new adventure: Build a sturdy boat, and learn how to weather emotional storms. Today, we’ll continue the...