by Hiro Boga | Creativity
As a creative person with a curious, questing mind, you are interested in so many things! You want to write that novel, weave a 3-D wall tapestry, and oh…illustrate a book for kids and the grownups who love them! You want to spend a semester in Florence,...
by Hiro Boga | Creativity, Soul Business
We are adventurers at heart. Our souls love to splash around in newness, to explore and discover the wondrous worlds that lie beyond the safe shores of home. Yes, we have fundamental needs for security, home, belonging. Without the foundation of safety and protection...
by Hiro Boga | Energy Alchemy
I’ve had time on my mind (though not on my hands!) lately. The tyranny and elasticity of it, the rigidity and malleability of it. All the ways we bend and twist and shape ourselves to fit into its constraints. When you’re tearing your hair out because your...