That Thing: The Creative Boo!

That Thing: The Creative Boo!

That thing that’s been knocking on the door of your heart… That thing that won’t go away… That thing that you long to create. That thing that you run away from, find brilliantly creative ways to avoid… That thing. That thing will...

When you come to the end of the path

When you come to the end of the path it isn’t obvious. There are openings under the trees where small streams have carved what looks like a way forward. The forest floor is golden with fallen fir needles and at first you think Ah yes! Here’s a trail or at...

The Things That Scare You – a video poem

This Fall has been a time of accelerating change, in the lives of so many of us, and in the life of our world. For the most part, these are changes we have actively chosen — and they are evolutionary in their effects. And yet, some of our inner selves are more...


Outside my window, on this January morning, the world is gray and black. A thick fog obscures the horizon, veiling everything but the foreground in gray. Shaggy cedar trees, their branches blackly etched against the sliding mists, lumber skyward. In the distance, the...