That Thing: The Creative Boo!

That Thing: The Creative Boo!

That thing that’s been knocking on the door of your heart… That thing that won’t go away… That thing that you long to create. That thing that you run away from, find brilliantly creative ways to avoid… That thing. That thing will...
Riding the Wave

Riding the Wave

Tune into the crests and troughs of the waves that you’re riding right now — the slip-sliding micro-movements of your life. Feel the nature of each phase of the wave — the bright billowing surge, its sunlit crown foaming against the force of gravity;...

Power. Brought To You By The Number Eight

Last week, on one of those perfect summer mornings when the air is so clear it tastes like water, I was sitting on my deck with my eyes closed, soaking in the early morning peace. Waves murmured on the shore below, and the whistle-chitter of thrushes echoed from tree...