Deva Alchemy® 1:1 Mentor Training

Deepen, refine & expand your skills to serve as a powerful mentor for your clients & community. Be an agent of the Sacred in our world.


This is a 9-month private, (1:1) professional training & mentoring program, for entrepreneurs who are leaders in the field of transformation, to hone your craft, develop precise energy alchemy skills & multidimensional partnerships, contribute original work to the field of mentoring, and become life-long agents of the Sacred.

By Application Only


In the Deva Alchemy Mentor Training program, Dr. Ratti Handa worked with Hiro to develop her signature methodology, The Handa Method. This proprietary program, which combines advanced surgical techniques with deeply transformative mentoring and coaching, has dramatically changed her patients’ lives. Through her methodology, Ratti has pioneered a new model of holistic healing and transformation in the field of dentistry.

Cynthia Occelli photo

“I decided to take Hiro’s Deva Alchemy Mentor Training to learn mentoring techniques I haven’t found anywhere else in the many professional trainings I have taken in the past. I wanted to grow my mentoring skills, and develop my own signature methodology, The Handa Method, which has dramatically transformed many of my patients’ lives, and which will be the future gold standard in the field of dentistry.

When I first began working with Hiro, I was looking for both the awareness of how my relational patterns and beliefs (and relationships themselves) needed to change, as well as specific guidance on strategy and the practical steps I needed to take in my life and business. 

I didn’t want to lead two separate lives. I didn’t want to be a business woman and then a spiritual person. I wanted to bring those together, and that’s what drew me to Hiro. She was the first person I’d actually met who was blending spirituality with business so openly.

Hiro’s decades of business experience, combined with her ability to see patterns and energy, and her deep commitment to my soul and well-being, opened up pathways I had barely dared to dream of.

Since working with Hiro, I’ve increased my fees, and definitely made more money. My speaking, coaching, consulting and mentoring career is gaining momentum and I am now training dentists and other healthcare professionals who are eager to learn my method. I feel confident about putting my Handa Method (a patented tongue-tie release method) out into the wider world.

I would recommend Hiro to anyone who is strong enough and aware enough to see that their limitations are holding them back from really leaving a mark in the world, or creating a legacy – and who want to make lasting changes. And anyone who feels split between their spiritual and professional lives. Her work is for the person who wants to live that path of spirituality that includes everything – in work and life.”

Read Ratti’s full Client Story here »

Dr. Ratti Handa, DMD, Founder of the Handa Method and CEO of Beyond Dentistry

Julie Santiago

“I decided to take Hiro’s Deva Alchemy Mentor Training to learn mentoring techniques I haven’t found anywhere else in the many professional trainings I have taken in the past. I wanted to grow my mentoring skills, and develop my own signature methodology, The Handa Method, which has dramatically transformed many of my patients’ lives, and which will be the future gold standard in the field of dentistry.

When I first began working with Hiro, I was looking for both the awareness of how my relational patterns and beliefs (and relationships themselves) needed to change, as well as specific guidance on strategy and the practical steps I needed to take in my life and business.

I didn’t want to lead two separate lives. I didn’t want to be a business woman and then a spiritual person. I wanted to bring those together, and that’s what drew me to Hiro. She was the first person I’d actually met who was blending spirituality with business so openly.

Hiro’s decades of business experience, combined with her ability to see patterns and energy, and her deep commitment to my soul and well-being, opened up pathways I had barely dared to dream of.

Since working with Hiro, I’ve increased my fees, and definitely made more money. My speaking, coaching, consulting and mentoring career is gaining momentum and I am now training dentists and other healthcare professionals who are eager to learn my method. I feel confident about putting my Handa Method (a patented tongue-tie release method) out into the wider world.

I would recommend Hiro to anyone who is strong enough and aware enough to see that their limitations are holding them back from really leaving a mark in the world, or creating a legacy – and who want to make lasting changes. And anyone who feels split between their spiritual and professional lives. Her work is for the person who wants to live that path of spirituality that includes everything – in work and life.”

Read Ratti’s full Client Story here »

Dr. Ratti Handa, DMD, Founder of the Handa Method and CEO of Beyond Dentistry

As an entrepreneur and leader in the field of transformation, you know your craft. You’ve developed a level of mastery in your work that brings joy, freedom and prosperity to you and the community you serve.

Yet, you’re ready for more — a deeper way of seeing through the surface scrim into the soul essence of your clients, to accompany them as they bring the whole of themselves into their lives & into our world.

You’re ready to learn ways of transforming — at the root, with skills that will serve you and your clients for life — those recurring patterns that obstruct their genius and impede their brilliance. Ways of becoming more fully themselves. Ways of expanding their influence, growing their ecosystems holistically and sustainably, and making significant contributions to their own clients & communities.

You’re ready, too, to work with clients who are eager for the growth & transformation you offer; who are all in for the adventure of incarnating more of their soul’s potentials; who are devoted to alchemizing all that obstructs the freedom, prosperity, creative joy and momentum they desire; who have the courage to journey with you in a truly generative mentoring partnership.

This means:

  • No more clients who aren’t willing to enter the depths you offer. Instead, clients and community members embrace the metamorphosis they experience when working with you, because they are held in a highly refined energetic container of safety, amplified power & skilled support.
  • No more clients who disappear when they encounter difficult patterns, long-buried feelings, the need to dissolve and reconstitute old identities and stories. Instead, clients who step forward to meet the necessary demands of truth and transformation because you have embodied the transformation they seek, and can help them unravel old patterns & weave new, more wholesome ones. 
  • No more team members who aren’t working collaboratively and joyfully to fulfill their true potential. Instead, a team of sovereign, creative people serving a unified vision with skill, devotion and enthusiasm.
  • No more designing offers based on what the market demands or what you “should” be creating. Instead, you honour your soul-deep knowing about what is calling you & what will truly serve your clients and community. You step into true leadership.
  • No more second-guessing your pricing, your business model, your boundaries, or your way of doing business. Instead, you access precise energy alchemy skills to discern, trust and act on your inner truth about what’s right for you and your business.
  • No more joint venture partnerships or team hires that aren’t in harmony with the soul pattern of your business. Instead, a soul-deep partnership with the Deva of your business that guides your strategies and decisions.
  • No more procrastinating, denial or avoidance when faced with difficult choices, ones in which the stakes are high and the outcomes uncertain. Instead, bold, courageous action when action is called for, and the ability to create through receptivity, vitality, joy and soul alignment.
  • No more shrinking from complex conversations, creative challenges, or the call of your soul to new horizons. Instead, bringing to life a deeply rooted, uniquely your own, body of work.

It’s not that challenging client journeys and complex situations will magically disappear from your world.

Rather, you will develop the clarity, discernment, boundaries, inner processes and strategic systems to address issues before they arise, and will have grounded, embodied skills with which to meet these challenges, powerfully and compassionately, when they do emerge.

Candle circle
winged cyclist

Yes, you’re ready for more. More than mind-set, neuroscience, trauma training, systems theory, or somatics alone.

No single strategy or skill-set can meet the needs of diverse clients and situations. You will use every tool in your toolkit to serve your clients as fully as possible. What you’ll learn in this mentor training is a deeply embodied experiential process — a way of working that embraces all your existing skills and amplifies them with the power of energy alchemy and Devic partnership.

It’s a proprietary process that’s been tested and replicated by thousands of my own clients and students over the past forty years — and it yields magical results.

You’re ready for more. You’re ready for the root and bone of transformation.

  • More depth with which to guide your clients & community beyond the borderlands of the known world, into the profoundly magical realms of soul & back into incarnation & integration.
  • More creative risk-taking, more artistry, more truth, more bold, effective action.
  • More simplicity, rest, play, spaciousness, support, softness, intimacy with the natural world. More strength, quiet, receptivity, listening, creative visioning, sacred medicine.
  • More ease & flow, as you blend polarities into medicinal harmony for yourself & your clients & community.
  • More wisdom, clarity, discernment & power in holding everything from undreamed-of success to overwhelming uncertainty with equanimity.
  • More radical trust, faith, compassion, wisdom & joy; more love; more grounded presence.
  • More creative partners, playmates and allies of your heart.
  • More ethically derived & equitably distributed wealth. More creative power to craft a world, in your business, that is a prototype of the world you want to leave for the generations that follow.

You want these for yourself — because you can only guide your clients into depths in which you yourself are truly at home. You want these because you are in love with your soul, & theirs. You want the whole world to be fully itself, & in love with life.

You have glimpses of the vast, unexplored regions of your soul’s wisdom, its playful generativity, and creative powers, but you don’t know how to access them reliably, how to anchor them in your everyday life, how to apply them to your work in skillful, effective ways.

You long to develop a stable relationship with your own brilliance, genius, and wholeness — and to place these in service to the Sacred with your clients, your community, and through your art.

The “next step” for you is about so much more than acing your most expansive revenue target, having a wildly successful launch, or perfecting your business model or team. It is about being the hands and feet of the Sacred in every aspect of your work and life. It is about mentoring your clients and community so they become fully themselves too.

Marry that clear intention with practical application of sacred skills, including energy alchemy and co-creating with the Devic realms, and amplified revenues and successful launches will inevitably follow.

The Deva Alchemy Private Mentor Training will help you build a repertoire of skills in mentorship, transformation and energy alchemy that will forever alter the way in which you work and create with your clients and community. You will develop profoundly co-creative partnerships with the Devas, which will lead to outcomes that neither you nor I can currently imagine, though I have decades of experience with the everyday miracles that result from these partnerships.

More than that, this training will enable you to discern the inner pattern of your being and partner with your soul to bring it into incarnation in an ongoing, lifelong adventure. It will bring you home to your whole self. And you will learn how to do this for your clients too.

Living and working in this way has far-reaching effects. Through practice, embodiment and application, you will access your soul’s powers and genius more fully and reliably.

Your soul’s powers include clear seeing, direct knowing, the power of your true voice, and the ability to read patterns and synthesize knowledge from diverse fields and sources. You will distill these into essential wisdom with which you’ll serve your clients, your business, your life and loves, and contribute to the re-imagining and re-weaving of our world.

piercing eye
mortar, pestle and herbs

This 9-month, 1:1 professional training program offers an intimate, powerful container to nurture both your inner being & your professional growth, yielding profound results in:

  • Your personal evolutionary depth, capacity, joy, & creative freedom.
  • Refined mentoring skills & capabilities to benefit your clients, community & team.
  • Amplified integrity, coherence, dynamic order, field leadership & ethical wealth in the world of your business.
  • Laying the groundwork for your own original contributions to the field of mentoring.
“I’ve worked with Hiro for 10 months now. Initially in a private mentorship capacity and latterly as her student in her Deva Alchemy Mentorship Training.

Our work together has touched every single corner of my life. I never thought that we’d go the places that we have and yet… every single twist and turn within our trajectory has been an integral part of my journey.

She has taught me the meaning of practical energetics. I had a really abstract, one dimensional understanding of energy (mainly limited to what I’ve picked up in the spiritual community) but in the Mentor Training container I’ve learned how to work with my body in ways that I had no idea even existed. These practises have had really tangible results in my business, on my creative process, in my relationships and even in my physical health. It’s like I’ve finally understood the role and function of my body and the true meaning of personal power.

As I near the end of this particular container, I’d say the most precious transformation that I’ve navigated has been around the creation of my own body of work. I’ve spent decades hoovering up spiritual teachings, business strategies and being a really effective spokesperson for other people’s art…. But it’s time to create something original. That’s mine. And that has been an enormous journey of self discovery and creative refinement. And Hiro has held the most impeccable, compassionate and multi-dimensionally magnificent space for me to do this. And the best part is that I know our work together is only just beginning….”

Read Ellie’s full Client Story here »

Ellie Seilern, Business Mentor & Leadership Coach,

During our time together, you’ll strengthen and refine your own body of work through the consistent application of the skills, tools and practices of the Deva Alchemy® Mentor Training.

Through learning, practice, experimentation and embodiment, you’ll develop and master a wide repertoire of precise, powerful energy alchemy skills and generative relationships that result in:

  • Deep and lasting transformation & creative evolution in your own life & world.
  • Professional skills that will greatly enhance your effectiveness as a mentor to your clients and community.
  • The opportunity to develop new products and services incorporating a wide repertoire of skills and practices.
  • The practical (& seemingly miraculous) ability to co-create with soul & with the Devic realms, in ways that will evolve throughout your life, & will serve and bless you, and all you love.

This 9-month Deva Alchemy Mentor Training will lead you through three significant, interwoven layers of learning, practice and embodied development.

Foundational practice:

The foundation of your business — and life — rests on your capacity to discern and stay attuned to the pattern of Divine order, to the pattern of what is seeking to emerge into the world through partnership with you. And then to have the capacity to act powerfully on behalf of that emergence.

To do that, you must know yourself — know your deepest desires, your unshakeable values, your erotic relationship with your world, your genius, your song, your medicine. You must know how to nurture, protect & care for the gifts you’ve been given by life so you can offer your art to life in return.

To know yourself, you must have a consistent practice of clearing the obscurations that accumulate in your energy body throughout the day as a result of living in a complex and often chaotic world. And you must develop a consistent practice of inviting in and making in-the-world containers for those soul qualities that you wish to embody in your life.

Throughout this layer of learning, you will develop and deepen your relationship with yourself, with the Devic world of multidimensional beings, with the Sacred, and with the natural world — our earth and all life.

You’ll learn daily energy calibration & invocation practices, and develop mastery in working with the subtle energies and multidimensional beings that surround and support you in carrying out your work in the world.

Technical practice, personal evolution, & taking your place in the lineage of mentors:

You’ll learn about your own personal energy system, the energy ecologies in which your work and life are nested, and how these energy ecosystems interact with each other.

You’ll develop a consistent practice to both cleanse what arises as a result of your daily activities — making decisions, meeting with people, taking all the routine and seemingly ordinary actions you take each day — as well as transform those deeply rooted patterns that emerge from your own life’s experiences, and from your ancestral, religious, or cultural history. 

In addition, you will use these techniques and skills to uncover and release distortions in your own energy field around common areas of struggle and impediment: Wealth, relationship & intimacy, power, responsibility, personal identity, group and community identities, sex, voice and visibility, social and cultural activism and more.

As you transform the inner patterns that obscure your clarity and capacity to act with power and purpose, you will develop the ability to identify similar patterns in your clients, and help them transform these in their own lives at the deepest level.

You will also develop your capacity to invoke and embody all that nourishes, blesses, supports and nurtures your most profound gifts and essential self. As you gain mastery of this way of creating your life, you will apply these skills in your mentoring relationships with your clients, community, and team. 

Developing and mastering these energy alchemy techniques and tools leads to miraculous results — for yourself, your clients, your business and your community.

Creative practice–developing your body of work:

Within the third strand of the program, you will work on bringing your emerging creative vision for your business into the world in a form that matches its essence. You will also articulate, and bring into the world of form, your evolving vision for your life and the ways in which you wish to contribute to creating a world that serves all beings. You will develop your own, unique body of work, which will serve as the foundation for the evolving future of your business and your own legacy and contribution to the field of mentorship and transformation.

This is both a deeply spiritual and a profoundly practical program.

Through our work together, my clients have become powerful mentors who achieve powerful results for their own clients, and who serve their communities on a soul-deep level. They expand their wealth exponentially; experience greater harmony, flow, joy, autonomy and ease in their businesses, personal relationships, creative projects, and lives; make significant contributions in their respective fields and within their communities; and develop a body of work that expresses the full range of their genius and gifts, serves the Sacred, and whose effects ripple out globally through their books, programs, services and products.

Hillary Rubin

“I can without any reservation recommend that if you are seeking to grow in line with your truth, with your deepest sense about what is good and right and true for you, Hiro is your guide.

She will walk beside you. She will lead you. She will push you. She will pull you, and she will hold you.

She will educate you and she will see over the hills in front of you when you can’t.”

Cynthia Occelli, Entrepreneur, Author and Speaker,

» more client reviews

Hillary Rubin

“My dear friend Hiro Boga is the real deal when it comes to deeply understanding how the personal/spiritual/work elements weave together in your life. Check out this wonderful material.”

Pam Slim, business coach & bestselling author,

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Hillary Rubin

“Hiro has created a masterpiece — simply reading or listening to this will change you.

If you feel overwhelmed, unsure of what you want, unable to get on with your “thing”, How To Rule Your World will help you find your way.

Truly this is so good, so lovely, a true heart-transmission.”

Jennifer Louden, activist catalyst & best-selling author,

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Hillary Rubin

“The transformative work I have been doing, with infinitely clear and kind guidance from Hiro, has opened entirely new layers of integration and homecoming within me.

As a woman leader, it is invaluable to have Hiro by my side. She supports me by always holding the larger universal perspective, with profound clear-seeing and energy clearing, while being utterly practical and rooted in the real.”

Chameli Ardagh, Founder,

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Hillary Rubin

“Working with Hiro is an investment in yourself and your business. As I completed the process of applying for a mentorship with her, I found myself emerging into the clarity of what I needed to accomplish, and why it was important to me to achieve my objectives.

The return on my investment is not just monetary, though that’s absolutely occurring. I am breathing the rarified air of a business that resonates with me and my market, and that brings me joy.”

Jill Leigh, Teacher & Founder of the Energy Healing Institute,

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Hillary Rubin

“I can without any reservation recommend that if you are seeking to grow in line with your truth, with your deepest sense about what is good and right and true for you, Hiro is your guide.

She will walk beside you. She will lead you. She will push you. She will pull you, and she will hold you.

She will educate you and she will see over the hills in front of you when you can’t.”

Cynthia Occelli, Entrepreneur, Author and Speaker,

» more client reviews

Hillary Rubin

“My dear friend Hiro Boga is the real deal when it comes to deeply understanding how the personal/spiritual/work elements weave together in your life. Check out this wonderful material.”

Pam Slim, business coach & bestselling author,

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Hillary Rubin

“Hiro has created a masterpiece — simply reading or listening to this will change you.

If you feel overwhelmed, unsure of what you want, unable to get on with your “thing”, How To Rule Your World will help you find your way.

Truly this is so good, so lovely, a true heart-transmission.”

Jennifer Louden, activist catalyst & best-selling author,

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Hillary Rubin

“The transformative work I have been doing, with infinitely clear and kind guidance from Hiro, has opened entirely new layers of integration and homecoming within me.

As a woman leader, it is invaluable to have Hiro by my side. She supports me by always holding the larger universal perspective, with profound clear-seeing and energy clearing, while being utterly practical and rooted in the real.”

Chameli Ardagh, Founder,

» more client reviews

Hillary Rubin

“Working with Hiro is an investment in yourself and your business. As I completed the process of applying for a mentorship with her, I found myself emerging into the clarity of what I needed to accomplish, and why it was important to me to achieve my objectives.

The return on my investment is not just monetary, though that’s absolutely occurring. I am breathing the rarified air of a business that resonates with me and my market, and that brings me joy.”

Jill Leigh, Teacher & Founder of the Energy Healing Institute,

» more client reviews

Program Length & Structure

I’ve designed the 9-month container of this program with a sturdy structure of experiential learning, practice, demonstration, and direct application. Offering it as a private, 1:1 program allows us the flexibility to tailor your experience to your own unique way of learning, to meet the needs of the ecology of your particular business and the community you serve, and to support your emerging creative edges, growth, and process of transformation.

Once you register for the program, you’ll receive an in-depth Storybook, designed to explore in detail the life you have lived, the ecologies within which your life has formed and by which it has been shaped, the identities you’ve accumulated, the roles you’ve played, the thresholds you have crossed and the creative work you’ve birthed so far.

You will discern and articulate your soul’s desires for what is calling you next — what is seeking to emerge into the world in partnership with you, through your gifts, artistry, heart and the work of your hands. You will listen for your responses to this call, and record them as they unfold.

This exploration will begin one month before our first program meeting. You’ll share your responses to the Storybook prompts with me before we meet; it will play a significant role in the work we will do together in the Deva Alchemy Mentor Training.

Once the program begins, we will meet on my conference line for three 60-minute sessions, the first three weeks of each month. 

The teachings will be delivered orally, with audio recordings of each session available for you to download. I will also offer homework assignments each week, to supplement the oral teachings and put them into practice with your clients and in your life and business.

You will have your own private portal inside my project management & communication software, to hold all of our written communications, audio and download links, reports, and more.

Much of our work together will call you to practice weaving what you’re learning into your everyday life and into your existing work with your clients and community, as well as your relationships with team members, colleagues, beloveds, family and friends.

I will ask you to maintain, and share with me, a record of your learnings, explorations, experiments, questions and discoveries each week. We will use these to shape the core mentor training program curriculum to support your specific gifts, challenges, and emerging areas of creative and soul development.


This is a substantial investment in yourself, your professional development, and your business. It is best suited for those of you who lead successful businesses, with the infrastructure to implement these teachings and practices, and the resources to make this investment with relative ease. Your work in this program will amplify the depth, power and clarity with which you serve your clients’ evolution, resulting in ongoing referrals, and the potential for significant increases in everything from client retention to revenues. It will also result in greater freedom, ease, joy, wholeness and creative flow in all aspects of your life.

While this is a proprietary program — which means you won’t be able to go out and teach it after you’ve completed your training with me — I will support you in using all that you learn here to build on your innate genius, knowledge, experience and skills, and to create a body of work, consisting of products, services and programs of your own that will provide you with a substantial return on your investment.

About Hiro

I mentor founders of small to mid-size businesses with annual revenues that range from 7 to 10 figures. While profitability is hardly the most important metric for a soul-led business, it does offer a convenient shorthand to describe the thousands of creatively ambitious, generative, inspired and passionate women and men whom it has been my privilege to mentor through significant stages of their entrepreneurial journey.

For 40 years, I’ve been a pioneer in the field of feminist entrepreneurship, holistic, transformative business, energy alchemy, Devic partnership, and soul-inspired creativity. I’ve mentored and taught thousands of clients like you — creative, soulful, devoted business artists — to help grow lives and businesses that serve you, your community and our world in meaningful ways.

I was born and raised in India, and have lived in Canada for most of my adult life. Being immersed in two vastly different cultures has afforded me a clear view of the universal marrow of human genius, and the culturally specific ways in which the colonization of our minds and hearts diminishes and diffuses our creative power.

Entrepreneurship offers us the freedom to build our own wealth and sources of livelihood, express our desires and artistry in ways that bless and serve our world, and contribute to shaping a world built on a foundation of our deepest values of wholeness, nurturance, collaboration, community, sustainability, justice and equity.

Academically, I hold undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Creative Writing, and an MFA in Creative Writing. I’m an award-winning author of five books.

My spiritual life is inextricably woven into my everyday life. I’ve had a daily meditation and contemplation practice since childhood, and have spent months & years in both formal and self-initiated solitary retreats, contemplative study, and applied research in the fields of consciousness and transformation. I’ve been mentored by powerful women within my own family and lineage, as well as teachers in the Vajrayana and Theravadim Buddhist traditions, Vedic scholars, and poets and writers. My primary mentors have been the natural world, and the Devas.

Ultimately, my lifelong apprenticeship with the Devas, the body of work that I’ve developed in partnership with them, and the clients and students I have had the privilege of mentoring for forty years, have been my most profound teachers. 

As a life-long servant of the Sacred, and teacher of transformation and soul-inspired business, I’ve crafted dozens of successful programs, authored several digital products and ebooks, and spent four decades practicing and teaching the energetics of building, growing and running successful businesses that are designed to flourish over a lifetime and to leave a legacy of service and grace. 

Hiro Boga

What’s Next?

We are here on Earth to express and experience the Sacred through our unique, particular personhood — with all the gifts and challenges that come with being divinely human, and living on a planet whose defining feature is complexity, polarity and contradiction. Each of us has the potential to be an ally and agent of Divine order, and to participate in the activity of the Deva of Mentoring.

The Deva Alchemy Mentor Training offers a unique, proprietary methodology — one I have devised and refined through more than four decades of embodied practice, research, teaching, mentoring and training — to meet the need for ongoing, life-long personal, spiritual, and professional evolution.

If you feel called to:

  • Develop original, horizon-widening work in the fields of human transformation and artistry, interspecies harmony and wholeness, soul-led mentorship and generative co-creation…
  • Become an even more powerfully skilled and effective mentor, teacher, leader and facilitator for your clients and community…
  • Expand your creative capacities and live into the full pattern and potential of your being…
  • Partner with the souls of your clients and communities, your business’s Deva, and the souls of your creative projects so they too are able to stretch into and inhabit their full potential…
  • And be a devoted, life-long agent of the Sacred in the world…

Then please apply below.

There are a handful of spaces available for this private training, and once they are filled, enrolment will close for the year. Use your inner discernment to guide you. If you feel a deep call to this training, please apply for the program.

If the particular timing and structure of this program is not quite right for you at this time, but you feel strongly called to participate, apply for the program, let me know your desires, and articulate your specific questions during the application process.

If you wish to commission a bespoke mentor training program for yourself and your leadership team, please get in touch with support (at) hiroboga (dot) com. Be as specific as you can about what you desire.

I will respond to your application within five business days. We’ll arrange a time to talk together so I can answer your questions about the program and explore what possibilities it might hold for you. If it feels appropriate, I will guide you through an inner process to connect with your own wisdom, as well as with the Deva of Mentoring to help you discern and choose what is right for you. My intention is always to honour your sovereignty and discernment, and to support your soul’s unfolding in your own perfect timing.

“The transformative work I have been doing, with infinitely clear and kind guidance from Hiro, has opened entirely new layers of integration and homecoming within me.

As a woman leader, it is invaluable to have Hiro by my side. She supports me by always holding the larger universal perspective, with profound clear-seeing and energy clearing, while being utterly practical and rooted in the real.

We are indeed blessed to be alive on planet Earth at a time when a woman like Hiro walks among us.

I bow.”

Chameli Ardagh, Founder,

Christine Kane

“Hiro has given me the tools to clearly see, manage and deliberately shift my emotional patterns and energetic system. I was slowly losing power and even will. Hiro helped me stop allowing my business to rule and run me. She taught me how to step within and realign my soul with my operations, marketing, sales and purpose.”

Christine Kane, President & Founder, Uplevel You.

“You know those Madeline books, where Miss Clavel wakes up in the middle of the night, raises her index finger and says, ‘Something is not right!?’

One year ago, I had that feeling about my business.

I’d built a successful asset management company, but there was no denying that feeling of having a large elephant trapped in a tiny room — perhaps doing lots of damage. And to my great frustration, that elephant was invisible. If I could just see the elephant, I could fix the problem. I am a woman of action, after all, who does nothing by halves. But I was so ‘in the middle’ of my business, I had no clue as to where to find the polka dotted pachyderm that was stomping through my work life.

Did you guess? The elephant in the room was me.

Hiro was superb at helping me see the things that had accumulated over the life cycle of my business — old habits, dated beliefs, barnacles on the boat.

I learned that you need to evolve as your business evolves. Otherwise, you get in your own way.
Over the past year, I’ve worked with Hiro every week. I’ve really come to appreciate the wisdom that she brings to bear, and the questions that she asks. In working with Hiro, I’ve become much more sensitive to subtleties. Where I once said, ‘something is not right,’ I can now say, ‘I know exactly what’s not right!’ And when I know what’s not right, I can take action, and so can you.

If you’re flummoxed, feeling out of sync, or sense that your business needs something to move forward — but you don’t know what that something might be — Hiro’s work around boundaries and sovereignty is critical.

I gave sessions with Hiro to a wide range of friends and they were all blown away. I’m not surprised — I trust Hiro completely.

If the business you’ve built feels like a lovely, cozy campfire — but what you really want is purple and green and blue sparks, lighting up the night sky — she’s the one for you.
It’s inexplicable. But it will change your life.”

Mariko Gordon, NYC, Founder and CEO of $2 billion asset management firm,

“Not only is Hiro my business whisperer, she’s also my soul whisperer. Through our mentoring work together, I have accessed a level of strength, confidence, and leadership that, up until this point in my entrepreneurial journey, had remained elusive.

Our conversations are part healing sessions, part strategy sessions, and total soul sessions. Through my work with Hiro, I have an integrated strength and clear understanding of how all the parts of my business and my life work together.

This is where strategy meets soul, doing meets being, and action meets surrender. This is the most peace and trust I have felt in all the years since I started my business.

Grounding. Refreshing. Real. Sustainable. Magical. Practical. Wise. Truth with a capital T. The shifts within me are seismic, yet they’ve occurred so gradually and effortlessly. I’ve never felt more held or supported in my business and creative process.

Hiro is one of the most profound and important mentors in my life. She doesn’t just tell me what to do or how to do it, she teaches me how to listen to my own guidance and partner with the Devas and my own soul. Hiro is a co-creative, collaborative partner in the truest sense of the word.

Working with her is the best investment I’ve ever made in myself and my business. My revenues tripled, and my business is set for even more organic, effortless growth this year.”

Julie Santiago, Coach, former Wall Street trader, Creator of the Gratitude Circle..

Kate Byrne

“Working with Hiro as an immersion client has been the most incredible journey of homecoming I’ve ever experienced. Her brilliance is truly one of a kind.

As a result of her coaching and care, I gained the insight, skills and courage I needed to become more myself and to easily support my business as it transformed into what it needs to be – free of doubt and judgment.

Hiro taught me practical techniques I now use almost every day to bring all the parts of myself into full alignment. Imagine feeling like every part of you is on board with the decisions you make. Imagine how confident and supported you would feel. That is the gift Hiro has given me.

Her unique combination of generosity, energetic connection and business know-how is awesome. If you have a chance to work with her, don’t hesitate. Do it!”

Kate Byrne, Business Strategist

“Hiro is the perfect coach for me. She is strong, smart, easy to understand, and able to support the dynamic and ever evolving needs of my healer, artist, and entrepreneurial selves. It has taken years to find someone with a balance of spiritual acumen, business insight, and unbridled joy that is approachable, nimble, and a hoot of a good time.

Over the course of two years, I’ve eased into a relationship with Hiro and her offerings. It all started with an online course, Become Your Own Business Advisor. BYOBA introduced me to the soul of my business and taught me to co-create a way forward that supported both the business and myself. I was able to learn how to tune in to the organic pattern for my business’s evolution while honoring what felt natural for my personal evolution and growth.

After BYOBA, I signed up for a small group six-month experience, CREATE. CREATE lifted and breathed life into my artist self. The course structure, built in supports, and Hiro’s direct feedback during group calls all worked in concert to keep me inspired, actively creating, and open to greater possibilities for my projects. I watched myself and others move from thinking differently to actually behaving differently. Hiro lit a fire in all of us! It was just plain incredible. CREATE did such a great job of guiding my artist self, that I knew I needed additional support to keep it going once the program ended. So, before I even finished the CREATE program, I signed up for private mentoring.

After the very first session of mentoring I was blown away and awake with the content of our conversation. Hiro tuned in and turned my attention to the areas of my business most in need of alignment. She offered practical and easily implemented advice to address these areas, allowing me to resolve everything over the next month with efficiency and integrity.

At the end of every mentoring call with Hiro I have at least one full page of notes, action items, and the deep seeded clarity needed to support my next steps. I leave every encounter with her feeling clear, grounded, motivated, and able to focus on energy and actions that allow me to connect to the outcomes I desire most.

Since working with Hiro, my family and closest friends have noticed a difference in both my enthusiasm and energy for life and subsequently, work. I am more relaxed, less stressed, exceptionally optimistic, and more comfortable with the “unknowns” in life. I regularly share Hiro’s “jewels” with my family and friends, so much so that they look forward to my mentoring sessions too.

Hiro meets you with a gentle certainty and creates the space for you to either generate or simply receive exactly what you need to act, adjust, and move forward. If your reality requires you to be a healer, hold space, or facilitate self-healing for others, Hiro is the secret support you’ve always wanted but did not necessarily realize you needed. Working with Hiro is kind of like seeing a panda and hummingbird dancing a tango under a rainbow shining chocolate, cherries, coconuts, and champagne. It’s unexpected, energized, and full of delicious surprises.”

Daveda Russell, Founder & Chief Strategist,

Leonie Dawson

“Being mentored by Hiro over these last seven years has been life changing. Speaking from my deepest heart, I don’t know where I would be right now without her support, wisdom and guidance.

My life has transformed from one that didn’t fit me at all, to one that does — spectacularly and beautifully. And my business is flowing at a rate bigger than I ever imagined.

My business has more than quadrupled in size since working with Hiro. It feels wonderful and true — in alignment with my soul and heart and life.

After years of doing my business all on my own, I now have solid support in my corner. I’ve done so much work with other coaches before, but Hiro is the most powerful healer and mentor I’ve ever experienced. She is deeply worth the investment.”

Leonie Dawson

Trish Elting

“Before deciding to work with Hiro, I spent a long time searching for the right support to grow my business. I had been mentored by folks in my field, and even looked into high-end business coaching programs, but none of them felt right.This year of being mentored by Hiro has been truly transformative. The first shift happened when I realized I’d spent years trying to build a business I didn’t actually want. Hiro helped me step back and take a good look at every aspect of my business, and then gently guided me to connect with the heart and soul of my business so I could transform it into something I love and support with all my being.Our work together resulted in a gorgeous new website, new offerings that I can truly stand behind, and a new way of interacting with my business on a daily basis. Since I made these changes there has been steady growth in my mailing list; clients that are a perfect match keep showing up; and new opportunities continue to appear.

Though there has been a lot of growth in my business as a result of working with Hiro, the biggest shift happened in me. I feel so much more at peace with my business and how I interact with it, and I have so much more confidence and clarity in my work and what I offer to the world. Fears of moving forward and insecurities about not being ‘good enough’ have faded away.

When our year together came to an end I felt a little sad. I didn’t know if I would be able to do this on my own. But, when it was time to say good-bye I felt like a bird that had been set free to fly on my own. I felt strong, and ready to do this, and I’ve been flying confidently every since.
Thank you, Hiro! Thank you for your gentle guidance and nourishing support. Thank you for seeing me as a unique individual and never reducing our work to a formula. Thank you for seeing the potential in both me and my business, but mostly thank you for your presence and your kindness through this process.”

Trish Elting, Yoga teacher, Inner peace maker, semi-retired rockstar