Panther Medicine: A True Fable

Panther Medicine: A True Fable

My best friend’s cousin, M, kept a pet panther in her apartment in South Bombay’s very posh Marine Drive neighbourhood. The panther was a baby when M’s brother brought it to Bombay — an orphan he’d found shivering in the bushes near a tea plantation in Assam. M...
The Art of Homecoming

The Art of Homecoming

Art is made by choosing a set of constraints, using them to create a boundary, and then building a world inside it. With words or paint, metal or wood, musical instrument or food — whatever your art, it is a collaboration between you, the medium you work with,...
Desire, Trust, & The Game of Life

Desire, Trust, & The Game of Life

You can view any creation through a variety of lenses. For today, consider the unfolding pattern of your life through the lens of a game. Every game has rules that define it, that articulate the boundaries and limits within which the game is played, and the rules of...

When you come to the end of the path

When you come to the end of the path it isn’t obvious. There are openings under the trees where small streams have carved what looks like a way forward. The forest floor is golden with fallen fir needles and at first you think Ah yes! Here’s a trail or at...