Meditations From the Center: 2

SUNDAY POEM MEDITATIONS FROM THE CENTER: 2 In the center of my head is a rain-washed dawning In the center of my head cirrus clouds cross a cobalt sky In the center of my head a hermit thrush sings sweet wilderness In the center of my head a bare room opens in the...

Meditations From the Center: 1

SUNDAY POEM MEDITATIONS FROM THE CENTER: 1 In the center of my heart, a sun in whose warmth apple trees blossom In the center of my heart, a chamber through which the mistrals of heaven blow In the center of my heart songbirds till a garden In the center of my heart,...

Good Morning: Surfing the Heat Wave!

When I wake up, the house hums with silence. The air in my room is hot and still on this end-of-July morning. For the past several days we’ve been in the midst of an unprecedented heat wave, here in the Pacific Northwest. It’s hard to sleep. Hard to do...
The Home of Your Heart

The Home of Your Heart

When you’re creative, dedicated, and in business for yourself, it’s easy to get painfully busy. You work in and on your business, harder than you’ve ever worked at any job. And there are a million tasks that need your time and attention. By the end...