Nourishing the Body of Imagination

Nourishing the Body of Imagination

There are certain principles that apply to all forms of exploration. Begin with a question that’s scratching at the back door of your consciousness. Or one that intrigues you. Or one that won’t leave you alone, that shows up unbidden in your dreams, in the shower,...
Imagination is Freedom

Imagination is Freedom

Imagination is freedom — it can transform the world. Here’s a wonderful story told by Robert Hass, about the power of imagination in action in one of the direst places in our collective history. “I’ll tell you a story that may or may not be...
Story-Making, World-Making

Story-Making, World-Making

As I sit, writing, at my desk on this November morning, the sky is just beginning to emerge in shades of pale gray, streaked with persimmon along the Eastern horizon. The story the season tells is written in the clouds that hover high above the bay – reflected...