Between shelter and flight

Today, all that shelters me descends with the sudden, clamorous weight of a collapsed safari tent. Tangled in its heavy canvas, its guy wires and flapping doorway, I struggle to my knees, scrape the palm of my hand against flinty ground, stagger upright in the ruins...
Pattern-Makers, Creative Hearts & Home

Pattern-Makers, Creative Hearts & Home

Over the past week I’ve had conversations with a few of my very creative friends about how we create. What are the essential elements that support us in being creative in our daily lives? We are all creative. It’s in our spiritual DNA. So why do so many of...

Going Away

SUNDAY POEM GOING AWAY Strolling on the beach with my son yesterday, sun licking our faces, a sparkling sea washed over our feet. I breathed a prayer: Thank you. Thank you for this day. Fronds of seaweed licked the tidal sands, flickered, receded– returned...
Traveling Teeth Follow Rumors of Home…

Traveling Teeth Follow Rumors of Home…

A couple of weeks ago, I was at the dentist’s office for an annual checkup and cleaning. As the dentist examined my mouth, probing my gum line with the delicate precision of an ant in a sugar bowl, he said: “Your teeth are moving.” I mumbled:...