Sunday Poem: Buddhist Chronicles 6

BUDDHIST CHRONICLES 6 Suddhodana’s Dilemma The king sits in council with his ministers. His heir has vanished, choosing the ascetic’s empty bowl over the imperial crown. Seven sages had predicted this the day Siddhartha was born. His would be a destiny of...

Sunday Poem #11 – Buddhist Chronicles

This week’s Sunday Poem is the first in a nine-part narrative series — the Buddhist Chronicles. I’ve long been fascinated by the story of Siddhartha, of his life as a man before he became the Buddha, the Enlightened One. The poems began with a...

Sunday Poem #10

Post Mortem This is my father’s child, Mother. My half-sister, Marguerite, here in this photograph. I know you are angry, but bonds of blood compelled me here. I had to see her; could not will her into non-existence, as you do. She should have been at...