Sunday Poem #14: Buddhist Chronicles 4

BUDDHIST CHRONICLES 4 Prajapati I loved Siddhartha as my own my sister’s child, suckled at my breast but I saw him always for what he was a prince shielded by garden walls. He had never known death; even the flowers in his orchards were picked before their...

Sunday Poem #13: Buddhist Chronicles 3

This is the third in the suite of narrative poems, the Buddhist Chronicles. Rahula was Siddhartha’s young son, born after his father left the family to seek enlightenment. If you missed the first two poems in this series, you can read them here and here....

Sunday Poem # 12 – Buddhist Chronicles 2

This week’s Sunday Poem is the second in a nine-part narrative series – the Buddhist Chronicles. (If you missed the first poem in the sequence, you can read it here.) I’ve long been fascinated by the story of Siddhartha, of his life as a man before...