Desire. Illumined.
Today’s adventure: Imagine. Then, decide.
Decide: Today, you’ll dance with your desires. Fast and slo-o-w, bend and twist, slide that corner, glide downhill.
Wherever your desires lead, you’ll follow.
You know them, your desires, mysterious though they sometimes seem.
Desires that explode across your heart-sky like meteor showers, trailing rivers of light. Desires that linger at the corners of your vision, shy, as all wild creatures are shy.
Desires that live beneath your ribs, subtle ache, longing — blurry shape, barely there. Feel them now, their rounded edges and sturdy bones. Their gravid weight. Their soft and hard, contract, release, yield, deflect. Assert. Warm, shiver, blaze.
Stories tangled in their hair, salt-scented, roosting. Stories that become your tomorrows, the tomorrows of your world. The world you’re building together, your desires and you. The world that’s building you.
Wrapped in your arms, your desires sing remembrance: You are home, beloved you! You belong here — yes, right here, with us, and we, with you! Breath and limbs and hollows syncopated to this beat, this drumbeat our heartbeat the thrum-beat of our world.
You are essential to the whole. Elemental. Joy and sorrow, pulse and glow, weave your light in the net of the world.
Your desires are elemental too — entirely themselves. They aren’t seeking approval; they’re not pounding on the gates of Common Sense, begging to be let in.
They are loyal only to your soul, to the wild soul of the world. They sing, in whatever language you can hear, of what is most ardently alive.
There are no trivial desires. Shallow waters are fed by deep, underground springs.
Every true desire is an invitation, a generous invitation from your soul to join the dance of your own becoming. True desires shape a greater wholeness.
What keeps elbowing you off your carefully plotted path? What startles your dreams? Nudges, whispers, cajoles. Beguiles. Bewilders? Insists?
What do you sense that makes no sense, that’s true as water, faithful as gravity?
What magnetic pull do you evade or avoid? What feels too frivolous, too impossible, too dangerous to dream of, too elusive or expensive to pursue?
What pulls you from the life you know, to the life that awaits you?
Pause a moment, beloved you.
Tune into the Sacred that is the earth and sky of this, your desire; that is the river and the riverbed of you. Feel the pulse of your desire, systole, diastole, in your throat — your love for it; it’s love for you.
Feel it, a current in the tides of desire from which all life is born. Feel it vast and wild, intimate and friendly.
Just for today, lower your sword, bury it in the earth behind you. Lay down your shield, your shield of logic, your shield of reason.
Reach out, enfold your desire in your arms, skin to skin — your yearning bodies, your humming hearts.
Feel the warm breath of love and union settle between you.
You’re choosing this adventure. You’re choosing love, and trust, play, art, life, creation. You’re choosing yet-to-be over what-has-been. You’re choosing mystery, the tender, unfurling unknown.
The Sacred lives in every atom you’re dancing through together — you and your desire. In wild rose and wetland, thorn-bush and thistle, the Sacred lives here.
The Sacred lives here.
Wholeness lives here.
If you’ve grown accustomed to squeezing through impossible crevices, scrambling over scree with skinned knees and aching ankles. If you’ve grown/groan to anticipate the hostile, the inhospitable, the stop-and-start, the sputter-and-fall — turn. Turn to face a new sun now.
Be heliotropic.
The whole world awaits you.
Stand tall — stretch to fill the full volume of you. Open your heart to the sky; feel the sun on your face. Release your shoulders’ hunched or militant stance. Soften your belly, widen your hips, gentle your knees. Soles of your feet, yielding earth.
Your desire holds you in this dance.
Turn towards lushness, warmth, delight, welcome. Velvet moss. Insects’ drone. Sky.
Let your desire dance you
fragrant flax meadow; fat, humming bees. Fireweed. Blue, blue forget-me-nots. Bird-wing air brushing your cheek. Springy footfall, humus, soil.
Peat. Woodsmoke. Singing creek.
Beauty. Holy.
Dance, my love. This world is yours.
Feel its beauty in you, its wonder in you. Feel the stars in your belly wink at their sister constellations shimmering in the night sky.
Rain moistens your heart, your liver, your eager lips — inner rain, outer rain, same source, same effects, different flows.
This miraculous, everyday world. Miraculous, everyday you.
Illumined by your desire, your willingness to dance into being.
#ToBeSoul_DoSoul #AdventuresInCreativeConsciousness