Today’s post is pithy. Three simple questions I’ve been thinking about this morning. My answers are below. I invite you to take the questions into your day . . . and to share your answers here, if you like.
1. What do I want from my soul today?
Connection. Love. Delight. A playmate. Inspiration.
Solid ground under my feet.
Guidance through joy.
2. What does my soul want from me today?
Here’s what my soul said to me:
Be daring, be bold, let that genius out to play.
Be real. Feel into those places of constriction in your heart. Open a window. Or a door. Let fresh air in.
Sing! Out loud.
Go and visit (my friend) Louise at the hospital Palliative Care unit. Not tomorrow. Today.
Find a feather and tickle your nose with it. (Huh?)
Bathe in music. A wide variety of music.
3. What do my soul and I want to create together today?
A broad, clear sunlit path to walk along with loving friends.
Good conversation, great food, a map for the next stage of my journey.
How about you? What do you want from your soul today? What does your soul want from you? What do you and your soul want to create together?