Planting Wishes
As we celebrate the return of the light, and welcome the New Year, stop a moment. Drop into your spacious heart. Sink down beneath the surface noise and chatter, to the deep truth of your desire.
Plant a wish, or three…
:: One for yourself. What do you most deeply long to be, to express, receive or create, in the New Year?
:: One for someone / something / someplace you love. What do you truly wish for, or long to give to your beloveds, in the New Year?
:: One for your world. What blessing does your heart want to offer your world, or to some specific place, situation or activity in your world?
Write your wishes on a piece of paper. Place the paper on your altar, or pin it up on the wall in your study.
Take a few moments to connect with your wishes each day. Feel your deep love and devotion, embodied in the shape of your wishes.
Check in with your heart. If your wishes were to come true right now, would you welcome them with open arms? Is there some part of you that’s afraid of who you’ll be, or what you’ll experience, when your wishes come true?
Gather all of your inner selves together, in the chalice of your heart. Talk with them about your wishes, and ask them to join you in devoting your whole self to bringing these wishes into the world. How do they feel, and what do they need, in order to wholeheartedly embrace this journey you’re invoking? Take care of every part of you, and bring it home into your wholeness, so you can receive your heart’s true desires.
Next, ask your wishes what they need from you, in order to make their way into the world. Make a plan. Break it down into its specific components. What resources will you need, to fulfill your wishes? Which of these do you already have? What additional resources will you need to access to fulfill your wishes?
What actions will you take, and in what sequence will you take them?
How will you know when each part of your plan is complete? Build in processes to evaluate the effectiveness of each piece of your plan, as it is completed, and to make adjustments as they become necessary.
Feel the power and support of your own soul’s presence. Call on the presence of your allies in every dimension to lend their skills and power to your wishes. Ask them to gather with you to create the pathways through which your wishes will enter your world.
Give thanks for the unfolding gifts that come to life through your wishes this year. Give thanks. Give thanks.