Breathing In…
It’s Monday morning and, in a couple of hours, I’m heading to a cottage on the beach for the next two days.
After the intense focus it’s taken to create and launch my new digital program, How to Rule Your World from the Inside Out, I’m taking a mini-holiday. Time to sleep in; eat good food; breathe briny air; squish bull-kelp underfoot at the tideline.
Time to talk and laugh and hang out with my closest friend; uncramp my mind and my fingers.
In business as in life, there’s a natural rhythm of in-breath and out-breath that keeps us alive, vital, creative and engaged. Too much doing, and we lose the subtleties of this rhythm.
For me, this shows up as clenching in my muscles; an inner heat in my body that makes my joints ache.
Everything becomes more challenging. Writing that blog post, creating a newsletter, getting the word out about my next program-each of these simple actions takes effort; a push against inner resistance.
Over the years, resistance and I have become good friends. I’ve learned to respect its truth, pay attention to what it has to say.
Resistance is a messenger–from my infinitely wise body; from my deep soul. Often, it says: Enough doing! Time to be. Take an in-breath.
And when I listen, those tangled, clenched places in my heart, in my life, and in my business, miraculously unwind into a river of flow and ease.
Clients book sessions. Blog posts flow effortlessly from my fingers. Opportunities, wealth, all sorts of support flow in on a rising tide.
Taking care of the ecology of my life, restoring its balance and harmony, is the single most effective way I know of taking care of business. The health and success of my business is directly related to the health of the whole ecology of my life.
Last week, I was interviewed by my brilliant friend, Danielle LaPorte, at WhiteHotTruth.com. We talked about creative sovereignty-how to rule your world with dignity and intention–as well as about my new digital program, How To Rule Your World From The Inside Out: The Art Of Inner Leadership.