A Gift of Devas
Today, I celebrate my 62nd birthday. Six decades on this Earth, and I’m still learning:
to be here more fully
to love more freely
to live more joyfully
to share my gifts and blessings more abundantly
to trust more deeply
to surrender to the creative flow of the universe more nakedly
to let the power of grace sweep through me more fluidly
These are the gifts of incarnation.
In the past year, my business has continued to flourish — grown sweeter, more spacious, more grounded in practical blessing. I’ve had the privilege of serving brilliant, creative people to grow into the fullness of their being; to heal the past, shape the future, and unfold the miracles of their lives and businesses.
I’ve had the privilege of writing from my heart, celebrating your successes and mine, mourning our collective losses, giving and receiving comfort and strength in community.
Those of you who have taken classes and programs with me, who have worked with me in mentoring sessions and retreats, have deepened and enriched my life with your vision, courage, and commitment to shaping a kinder, more positive world. Your wisdom, power and creative genius are boundless.
I am so grateful for you! Thank you.
Thank you for honoring me with your presence, your trust, your willingness to dive deep. Thank you for bringing your most tender, vulnerable selves into our conversations — on the blog, on the phone, face to face, heart to heart.
Thank you for giving your all to transform even your most painful patterns. Thank you for daring to tell new stories; for giving birth to your own astonishing beauty, brilliance, and gifts – each and every day.
This year has also brought me my beautiful granddaughter. She was born just over a month ago. She reminds me, every day, of the power of vulnerability, of the astonishing love that brings us all into the heart of life, into kinship and community with each other.
My heart is with you as you navigate the sometimes rocky terrain of your lives and businesses. Things aren’t easy, right now. Fear and loss, pain and grief are as much a part of our world as joy, delight, wonder and sustenance.
My birthday wish for you is that you live cradled in the grace of your soul; that you unfold your miraculous gifts; that you bless and love your own life and the life of your world. That you feel safe. That you know you belong here. That you know how deeply you are wanted, cherished, supported, and loved.
We need each other. In this time of creative chaos, we need our human connection, our willingness to listen and to take care of each other in ways that support our wholeness.
May you follow the call of your soul into the miracle of your life. May you be blessed, and blessing. May you discover and share all that you alone can bring to the world. May you be the Deva of those gifts that shine in your heart.
Wishing you peace, and deep love,