Meditations From the Center: 1

SUNDAY POEM MEDITATIONS FROM THE CENTER: 1 In the center of my heart, a sun in whose warmth apple trees blossom In the center of my heart, a chamber through which the mistrals of heaven blow In the center of my heart songbirds till a garden In the center of my heart,...

Sunday Poem

SUNDAY POEM Let me embrace you naked as rain. Let all that is not me fall away. This body, drawn to earth’s molten heart, this mind echoing your fingerprint, these avid ears drinking your elemental voice. Let me know you in clamoring cities, viridian hills, in...

Sunday Poem #10

Post Mortem This is my father’s child, Mother. My half-sister, Marguerite, here in this photograph. I know you are angry, but bonds of blood compelled me here. I had to see her; could not will her into non-existence, as you do. She should have been at...

Sunday Poem #8

All you yearn for is held in trust for you. Press your roots deep into this loamy earth, drink from underground tributaries. Go in and down instead of out and up. Spirit is not separation. You are sacred– your body the heartwood of the greening tree. We are...

Sunday Poem #7

Dancing with Resistance is a slow waltz with a great gorilla. Hot, scratchy. A sweaty, fumbling dance that tastes like copper pennies. That exhales a bitter breath. I cannot see. His shoulders fill the world, and I cannot see. Those long arms hold me firmly to a chest...