Judgement, Discernment & Soul Hunger

Judgement, Discernment & Soul Hunger

Judgment is not discernment. It may give you a temporary feeling of power and satisfaction, but it’s often just a poor substitute for your soul. When you find yourself judging — people, situations, yourself, the state of the world, what-is — tune...
Love, Soul Power, and The Thing That Hurts

Love, Soul Power, and The Thing That Hurts

The holidays hold a powerful energetic field, woven of light waves that include our collective history, our most profound myths and sacred stories, our human longing for community and communion, and the shimmering promise of birth and renewal that is the open door of...
Riding the Wave

Riding the Wave

Tune into the crests and troughs of the waves that you’re riding right now — the slip-sliding micro-movements of your life. Feel the nature of each phase of the wave — the bright billowing surge, its sunlit crown foaming against the force of gravity;...
On Divine Order

On Divine Order

The quality of your being is shaped by your choices. What you do, or don’t do, shapes who you become. Doing isn’t necessarily better than not-doing, though in our hyper-driven world, we sometimes confuse action with wisdom, or at least cede it the moral...