Call your stories home…

It’s the beginning of November, and the maple trees outside my window are stripping for winter in a shimmer of autumn gold. Nature tells the season’s story, and foreshadows the stories of the seasons to come. What stories have you been telling yourself...


From the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to global warming, from the fires of war to the daily grind of work that withers your heart, our world is erupting with crises right now. And crises, times of great upheavals, offer opportunities for growth and transformation....

Making Stew: Onions, Om, and The Creative Journey

You start by washing, peeling and chopping vegetables. Splash of cool, clear water over your hands, washing away the mud and grime. The glistening beauty of potatoes, released from their skin. The orange family: cheery carrots, ruby yams. Brooding purple globes of...